A Painter's Purpose | Teen Ink

A Painter's Purpose

April 19, 2024
By KileyWallace25, Melbourne, Florida
KileyWallace25, Melbourne, Florida
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Laura is a teenage girl who gets called after class by her art teacher to discuss why she hadn't started her final art project, when the due date is approaching quickly. Laura deals with a lack of inspiration, which reflects on her artwork. She explains her situation to her mother, where her mother suggests she go look in a box of her grandpa's old art supplies in the attic. When Laura finds the box, she finds several of her grandpa's paintings, as well as his favorite paintbrush. When Laura uses the paintbrush, she gets transported inside one of her grandpa's murals, where everything inside the painting seems to be fading away at quick rate. It is up to Laura to restore her grandpa's artwork and find the true purpose behind each of his paintings. 

Kiley W.

A Painter's Purpose

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