The Symphony of Beauty | Teen Ink

The Symphony of Beauty

April 30, 2024
By Nedwards BRONZE, Burlington, Kentucky
Nedwards BRONZE, Burlington, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

What do people find beauty in? Beauty can mean anything and everything to everyone or only one. Beauty stretches across the globe in every way imaginable, whether it's poetry, a model of a car, an organized desk, the sunset, the complex structure of human anatomy, a favorite playlist, the order of books on a shelf, or even another human being. The scope of beauty is much wider than some may think, it's all around but can be missed by many. 

Beauty presents itself in many forms and variations, creating a deeply personal and unique relationship with every individual it reaches, but also maintaining a universal connection to all touched by it. Beauty knows no language, it reaches audiences all over the world from every perspective. Beauty is one of the rare guarantees you can find in life, no matter who you are, where you come from, or your situation, nothing can take away beauty from life, no circumstance or condition can steal it away from you. 

Take a mountain landscape for example; someone may admire its rugged terrain and diverse flora and fauna, while another may find beauty in climbing it, conquering its peak and the breathtaking views from the summit. Or perhaps a vintage car; a mechanic, for example, may greatly appreciate the craftsmanship in its design and engineering, while someone else may find beauty in the nostalgia it evokes, reminiscent of a bygone era. You could even find beauty in a skyscraper, tourists may find beauty in the skyline, and its interplay of light and shadow, with the sense of awe at human achievement showcased through said skyscraper, while an architect may find beauty in the sleek and innovative design, as well as it's structural ingenuity. And perhaps the most beautiful example is another human being. Some may find beauty in their intellectual prowess and curiosity, their ability to engage in meaningful conversations, and their unique perspective on everything. Others may appreciate their capacity for empathy and compassion towards others, and value their ability to understand and connect with people on an emotional level. Creativity, resilience, altruistic beauty, etc, the list goes on forever. Beauty does not stop there, if I were to describe everything beauty could be found in I could never cease writing.

Throughout history, human nature has pursued finding beauty in oneself and presenting oneself in a most alluring way through appearance and health in the same way a male peacock displays his vibrant plumage to attract potential mates. However, there is a natural beauty found in all human beings, one that does not need pursuing since it has already been reached. The moment a human is born is when its beauty has already been defined, beauty that is inherent and everlasting. Don’t be mistaken though, a human is not born without flaws. It is the imperfections in humans that bring out some of the best qualities and traits within them. 

Deeply rooted in the human psyche and subconscious is the underlying natural attraction to beauty, uniquely different and altogether similar in every person. Beauty is truly omnipresent and integral to the human experience. Culturally, we can see this through art and architecture. Many cultures have produced astonishing artworks and architectural marvels that captivate people to this day, such as the iconic Sydney opera house, with its graceful sails adorning the harbor of Australia's largest city, or the majestic Taj Mahal, a testament to enduring love and architectural brilliance nestled in the heart of India. Different standards of beauty through fashion and style are found in various cultures as well. People are influenced by the beauty in different cultural aesthetics through clothing and appearance, whether it's the colorful saris of India or contemporary trends from runways in Milan. Cuisine even has its role in beauty. It plays a significant role in many cultures, and presentation is everything. Whether it's the meticulously placed sushi in Japan or the textures in Mexican dishes, the visual appeal of foods reflects cultural values and artistry. Landscapes too hold special places in human souls, playing as eye candy and evoking senses of awe and incredible wonder. Japanese gardens,  Mt. Everest, the northern lights, Niagara Falls, etc, attract people from all over, drawing from the inherent human attraction towards beauty. Tourism is a great example of this, traveling around either nationally or globally to see the beauty on Earth, like the seven wonders of the world.

    Whether it's the awe-evoking Eiffel Tower, the mesmerizing mixture of colors of the sunset on the horizon, or the alluring gaze from a lover, beauty is captured all around the world and within ourselves. Beauty is ever-changing and growing. Beauty is a timeless concept carried with us forever and indefinitely.

The author's comments:

A piece made for a project in literature and modes of writing. This piece was made utilizing definition.

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