Carpe Diem | Teen Ink

Carpe Diem

May 2, 2024
By christie11 BRONZE, Gangnam-Gu, Other
christie11 BRONZE, Gangnam-Gu, Other
2 articles 1 photo 0 comments

In fleeting hours, grasp the clock,

As no one knows when we'll be done.

Departed souls look back at life

And Realize how they did not run


The thought of dying with constant shame,

Compels me forward in life's race.

I choose to act the way I want,

As who I am is no disgrace.


The clock flies by with unreal speed,

So seize the day and breathe the air.

no need to hide or duck your head,

Instead, begin to live with flair.


Be daring,

Be true,

Be free,

Be you.


Let it repeat inside our heads,

With nonexistent borders,

"Carpe Diem, "Carpe Diem"

For we shall take no orders.


Embrace the stars, 

Embrace the moon, 

Embrace our lives,

For it may end soon. 

The author's comments:

Christie is a high school writer from Seoul, South Korea. She has been recognized by the John Locke Competition as a finalist. She is an executive for a school newspaper called Tiger Times. She served as a copy editor and will be serving as a social media manager next year. In addition to writing, she enjoys listening to podcasts, binge-watching courtroom dramas, cooking and baking. She is also a basketball player. She plays for the varsity basketball team with a center position. 

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