Into the Woods | Teen Ink

Into the Woods

January 11, 2024
By Amina43-0953 GOLD, Tirana, Other
Amina43-0953 GOLD, Tirana, Other
13 articles 16 photos 18 comments

A little girl was playing alone 
Dancing in a field of flowers 
Soon, the sun started to set 
She had been gone for hours 
The colors were so mesmerizing 
So, she didn’t notice at all 
When the sun disappeared 
It got dark at nightfall 
The girl started to worry 
In fear, she screamed out loud 
Even the moon and stars 
Were hidden by a thundercloud 
Soon, it started to rain 
The little girl started to run 
Her dress got caught in thorns 
And soon became undone 
Her clothes were in tatters 
She was covered in mud 
And from the thorn cuts 
Her legs leaked red blood 
Worst of all, she couldn’t tell 
Which path she had to take 
She picked a random one 
Her life was at stake 
Sadly, she picked wrong 
And she was very lost 
So far from her home 
She shivered in the frost 
In the woods, all alone 
She heard a distant sound 
She screamed and tripped 
And she fell to the ground 
She never got up again 
But her body remained 
Her head leaked blood 
It pooled and stained 
They never found the body 
But soon, everyone said 
The woods were never the same 
After the girl was dead 
A translucent girl 
In her childhood 
They say her ghost 
Still roams the wood 

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This article has 1 comment.

Irda SILVER said...
on Apr. 3 at 2:42 am
Irda SILVER, Tirana, Other
6 articles 0 photos 9 comments
It felt like watching a thriller, kinda scared me but it was very interesting and I couldn't wait to find out how the story ended.