Dioxazine Purple | Teen Ink

Dioxazine Purple

January 10, 2023
By Afra ELITE, Kandy, Other
Afra ELITE, Kandy, Other
103 articles 7 photos 1824 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A writer must never be short of ideas."
-Gabriel Agreste- (Fictional character- Miraculous)

Strangers, we were 
like two randomly drawn lines on a paper
suddenly made to intersect
by the pen of life
We were lost 
in the weight of the worlds
But, when we looked into each others' eyes
we were teleported into our own world
that blinded our eyes like the glitter
scattered in the dioxazine-purple galaxy
as we fell into each other's arms
and in love

I was eventually asked
by some bitter, purple people
if you were toxic because
you were like a dioxazine purple pigment
But, I told them the truth,
that the dioxazine purple pigment
showed no known hazardous reactions
Dioxazine purple may look toxic
But, it was not.
Don't just scratch the surface!

You are dioxazine purple, not toxic but
cold, because I love purple slushies
with ice, to give me a brain-freeze
strong, because amethysts heal my wounds
and pacify me when I battle my emotions
Jubilant, because lavenders bloom in the
spring and not in the fall
Rich, not because you have my money
but my soul

The author's comments:

I wrote this poem a few years ago and today, I found it and decided to give it a glow-up because I am more mature now than I was when I wrote this poem...But, have I improved???

Below is the poem 'Toxic Purple', the former version of the now rewritten 'Dioxazine Purple'...I even changed the topic to suit the poem better...Which one do you prefer???

Toxic purple

You and I were once strangers
Not knowing who we really were
Lost in each others' eyes
And lost in the way of the world
Our hearts collided and we fell
into a shiny purple abyss called Love

My friends told me that you were toxic
They told me that your face had
a hidden shade of toxic purple within you
But, I thought that they had a shade
of purple within them
A shade of purple for jealousy
Because I had you, a purple crystal ball

To admit, you ARE purple, but not toxic
Cold-Purple, because your hugs don't feel warm
Strong-purple, because you can lift it all
Jubilant purple, in the spring and not in the fall
Rich purple, both in money and in soul

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