Breathe through your heart! | Teen Ink

Breathe through your heart!

October 9, 2023
By Marian_de_Silva PLATINUM, Gampaha, Other
Marian_de_Silva PLATINUM, Gampaha, Other
20 articles 70 photos 123 comments

Favorite Quote:
“If this year has taught me anything, it's that grief can destroy a person.”

A tight grip on my neck,
A heavy chain that chokes and specks.
Feeling the dark strain,
I find myself ensnared.
I barely live cause i breathe
But can’t exhale, just like the weight within,
It's a blank space where my emotions begin.
"I'm fine," I said, but it's a hollow refrain,
Salty taste on my lips, but it’s the burn that i first felt.
Reminding me of the pain,
Entrapped within
Tears drooling from my eyes, unspoken art,
Locked feelings shattering the cold heart.
"You're fun to be with," they said, unaware,
Of how I abandoned myself, ages ago like a lost kite in the air.
Pills, therapy, everything I've tried,
Realised it's talking I need to confide.
In a world of people who often chat,
I seek the solace of a genuine heart.
Dear Reader,
Genuinely, I wish the evenings you see
may be gentle and free,
Not how they unveil the scariest sight to me.
Let me tell you, It's the lovely beginning,
you will ever see,
To the dark side of my story, my plea.
_Marian de Silva aka PowerPaws_

The author's comments:


something that I’ve been suffering since a very long time! So I decided to beat it whenever I feel uneasy inside my mind by writing down my feelings! 

If you feel the same, 

Just don’t let that strange feeling hunt you down! 
you are Much STRONGER than you think you are! 

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