Faithful cost | Teen Ink

Faithful cost

April 30, 2024
By manda15 BRONZE, West Melbourne, Florida
manda15 BRONZE, West Melbourne, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In a future so far away 

Oh I wished to be someday 

Even happy, even sad

It does not seem all that bad 

The breeze of a beginning hits my face 

Yet I cannot go at my own pace 

Life is hard and life is tough 

But with him its okay if I go through stuff 

Oh how grateful am I 

That he can finally bring me down from that high 

So, now I tell you please be calm 

That sometimes a no is not a no at all.

Patience is key and patience is what I saw 

When I realized what it all cost. 

The author's comments:

Sometimes patience and faith is the key. 

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