Oh Grandma | Teen Ink

Oh Grandma

May 1, 2024
By Anonymous

Cooking is the way of Grandma's love

Smelling the dense warm doughy aroma

it follows me around like a small dove

Dives me deeper into her persona


Cold cheese placed against her sweaty hands

The nutty smell of Swiss makes mouth water

A handful to my mouth is where it lands

She smacks my hand and tells me don't bother


Cutting the dough on the floured counter

Letting the water heat to a boil

With a mouthful of greedy cheese encounter

Downing all the Knuffell so none spoils


Grandma these moments mean so much to me

These moments we share are worth the slap fees

The author's comments:

This piece reflects the relationship I have with my grandmother. She is a strong, able bodied woman who has brought out the best in me while making me who I am today. 

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