Facade of Friendship | Teen Ink

Facade of Friendship

March 22, 2024
By Anonymous

Write For Me
"Facade of Friendship"
In halls of laughter, I walk alone,
With wounds unseen and pain unshown.
Each jest, a cut; each laugh, a tear,
Yet I smile wide, my facade clear.

By day, I stand with those who wound,
Pretending kinship, while inside I'm bound.
A merry mask, worn thin by sorrow,
Hoping for change come tomorrow.

Yet dreams of kindness, bright and bold,
Whisper of days not gripped by cold.
Where truth and love may freely dance,
And not one heart is left to chance.

So I don my mask, a weary art,
Smiling with lips, crying in heart.

The author's comments:

This sonnet delves into the complex emotions of maintaining a facade of friendship with bullies, exploring the inner conflict and hope for a future where genuine kindness prevails.

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