Stuck in Neutral by Terry Trueman | Teen Ink

Stuck in Neutral by Terry Trueman

April 7, 2008
By Bapalapa2 ELITE, Brooklyn, New York
Bapalapa2 ELITE, Brooklyn, New York
1044 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Phenomenal and fantastic the book Stuck in Neutral by Terry Trueman. This book is about a boy named Schawn who a cerebral palsy and is trying to make it through life struggling with this disease. But at the begging of this book Schawn in his own words tells a little about his life. But in about the 2nd chapter Schawn says that his Dad might be out to kill him. Well lets just start from the begging shall we. Schawn tells about his life in the good and bad times. In my prospective I think that it is always the bad times. Anyways he goes through his memories with the reader and tells him what special about that day that he remembers so much. There is some denial where Schawn thinks that he was a big mistake because he made it harder for everyone to live. Kind of towards the middle he goes and actually thinks about his life in a positive way. Which Is really good. Then about almost to the end he actually gets to talk to his Dad and stuff he thinks he is going to kill him But your just going to have to read the book to find out if want to hear the end of this great story. I really like this book I would dedicate it to about 13 and up. Its an amazing but sad book. Plus it is a very quick easy read. This author actually has some book that are actually like this which were ok but nothing compares to Stuck in Neutral. I would give this book a 5 star reading. If you want a story that is sad and gets very intense and catches you in the first 3 pages this is the book for you. No matter what reading level you are at this is the greatest book in the world!


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