Escaping the giant wave by Peg kehret | Teen Ink

Escaping the giant wave by Peg kehret

February 24, 2012
By wolverines PLATINUM, Everett, Washington
wolverines PLATINUM, Everett, Washington
40 articles 0 photos 3 comments

I have read a lot of books and the Escaping the giant wave is one of my favorite books I have ever read. This book went to the top of my favorite book list because every time you read it you find more stuff about the characters and everything that revolves around them.
Dave and his family are going to a resort in oregan from Kansas. But when things seem like paradise a huge earthquake hits the outskirts of organ and cause a chain reaction and huge title wave hits the city. As civilians evacuate Kyle and his little sister has a choose to stay by the hotel and wait for the title wave not knowing how big it will be or go up the hill and go to the forest. Will Kyle survive or will they become fishes at the bottom of the sea the only way to find out is to read.
One of the best Parts of this accelerating book is when the giant tsunami was flooding the woods and the water was getting up on their knees and there trapped in a car that they found in the woods.
I love this awesome book because It had amazing vocabulary, great details, and it explained the plot perfectly and the last it’s, it is just the coolest book out there. The genre of this book is an adventure/Realistic. I recommend this book to Grades third and up.
This book is just like the book Earthquake terror because there both being caused by Mother Nature and there both made the one and only Peg Kehert.
The theme or message that Peg Kehert is trying to tell you is that to be always to be prepared for a natural disaster. These disasters can happen anywhere not just the places you see on the news or the newspaper they can happen anywhere that what Peg Kehert is trying to explain to us.
I rate this book a 5/5 because I got in so much trouble for staying up all night and reading this awesome book and even if you read, the book a thousand times this book will be always be funny, sad, and crazy.
You should really read this book Escaping the Giant Wave by Peg Kehert I hope you will love this book as much as I did it.


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