Holes by Louis Sachar | Teen Ink

Holes by Louis Sachar

December 19, 2007
By Bapalapa2 ELITE, Brooklyn, New York
Bapalapa2 ELITE, Brooklyn, New York
1044 articles 0 photos 1 comment

The book Holes will take you on a roller coaster adventure of its amazingly complex plot. Unfortunately though most people that read the book Holes soon suffer a disease called "Eyes-Glued-To-The-Bookititis." Sadly this illness is not rare and the only cure is to keep reading. So unless you want to suffer from this disease then I strongly suggest you do not read this review. YOU WERE WARNED!

Our main character, Stanley, is accused of stealing a famous pair of shoes. He claims the shoes just fell out of the sky, which happens to be true. As a result he is sent to a detention camp, called Camp Green Lake. His sentence is to dig a five by five foot hole each day in a dry lake bed. This miserable situation sends him on an adventure that leaves the reader filled with suspense, excitement and humor, which is just about everything you could want from a book. If it's laughing at his grandfather or just hoping he doesn't get bit by a yellow spotted lizard this book is perfect for everyone.

Now here is a challenge: I dare you to read Holes and see if you can put it down. There is no question, the world will love Holes.


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