Cosbyology by Bill Cosby | Teen Ink

Cosbyology by Bill Cosby

May 30, 2008
By Bapalapa2 ELITE, Brooklyn, New York
Bapalapa2 ELITE, Brooklyn, New York
1044 articles 0 photos 1 comment

I like this book because it discribed me. Bill is really weird though because he does a lot of weird things. Bill gets mixed up with a lot things lik the ski trip he went on. He bought so many things he went over board. Bill was weird with his wife to. I like this book because it was made about the king of comdey. Bill is really weird though so hes not my idol.

Bill is really weird. he is a real character though. Bill was first a scholar in highschool he goofed around with everyone. Bill was the center of every thing Bill. Bill wanted to be a comedian.
Bill's parents werent happy that he wanted to do that. Bill was soon known as a comedian of the future. Bill was a comedian for along time. Bill was offered to go on the Cosby show later in life.
I recomend this book for people that like to laugh. This book is great. If you really don't like to read books read this one. I like this book and I'll read again and again.


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