Hydrocarbons | Teen Ink


April 1, 2024
By okey24 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
okey24 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

One of the biggest pollutants is hydrocarbons. They are simple molecules that only contain hydrogen and carbon.

Some common names of hydrocarbons are as follows: Butane, Ethane, Propane, Methane, etc. Other common fossil fuels are Coal, Oil, and Gas are all hydrocarbons.

These hydrocarbons are dangerous. For humans, they can easily damage the kidneys and liver, induce seizures, and heart rhythms, and depress the central nervous system. They emit pollutive gasses in the atmosphere and contribute to climate change, for example, the development of acid rain that can destroy livestock, plants, and drinkable water. In short, they are toxic for humans, animals, and the planet.

To change the world, I would put extensive amounts of money towards research to find alternate uses for hydrocarbons. I would eliminate the use of fossil fuels. Just this past year, Toyota and other companies are trying to eliminate their environmental impact, by using hydrogen and nitrogen.

Instead of traditional carbon and hydrogen, these companies only use water and nitrogen, which make up a little over 78% of the atmosphere.

Research, trials, and development are all great steps when trying to implement new things in our modern world. Funding and putting effort into research for these environmental studies can affect the entire planet’s quality of life.

I would solely fund these studies, as they would be crucial for the future of our planet. Finding alternatives to fuel and other flammable materials such as propane, butane, ethane, methane, etc. That would mean researchers will have to find alternatives to lighter fluid, cleaning agents, home heating, water heating, cooking, industrial power, and many more.

Finding alternatives to these energy sources would be difficult and expensive, but if companies like Toyota experiment with these new technologies, the entire world would have a shot at preserving the environment for future generations.


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