The Tragedy (part 1) | Teen Ink

The Tragedy (part 1)

September 27, 2023
By jiajiasoso917 PLATINUM, Cary, North Carolina
jiajiasoso917 PLATINUM, Cary, North Carolina
36 articles 26 photos 0 comments

Dark cool colors

Hard, carved cheekbones.

Cold, dry, starving faces.

Straw-like hair and dirty visages.

A child wrapped in a blanket,

Too young to understand

War, oppression, and refuge

The Tragedies that plague this family.*

The woman's sorrowful, drooping eyes and

The man, hair graying, drop their heads,

With closed pupils.

Too devastated comfort to their child.

Bonds are blue

Families fall apart,

In times of turmoil.

Not even they persist.

The clouds are gray, 

And the sea is dark.

Their bodies are dying

And so are they.

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