School Based Mental Health | Teen Ink

School Based Mental Health

April 25, 2024
By paibal24 BRONZE, Opelika, Alabama
paibal24 BRONZE, Opelika, Alabama
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Many school systems neglect their students’ mental health and focus more on how successful they can make their students be. Although, students would be more successful if their mental needs were fulfilled first. School is a place where students go to be taught how to be successful and thrive academically. This can make students neglect their mental health making their mental stability unstable. School systems often forget about mental health and put all their focus on how successful their students can be. They center their attention on how the “outside” view of their school is and not how their students are actually doing. But, students are humans and mental health is key to success. If school systems were to put more emphasis on mental health, the student success rates would thrive.

If school systems were more aware of mental health needs within their students body, their students' productivity rate would be much higher. When life gets to be too much, school can feel like too much too. Many students don’t have the motivation to get their assignments done in class or turn them in on time. Thus leading them down a path of laziness and failure. With school systems helping their students understand their mental health and teaching them how to make their mental state thrive, their students would be more productive in class because they aren’t focusing on their mental struggle. Another effect of schools guiding their students on their mental status would be that school systems would find their students having fewer absences. Students wouldn’t dread attending class if they had a better mental state. They might also feel as if school is their safe space and they know that the people there not only want to help them academically, but also mentally thus encouraging students to attend class. Students might then have the motivation to go to college because they won’t be mentally drained from highschool. If school systems put energy into bettering their students mentally, students would have the work ethic and drive they need to graduate highschool and attend some type of college. With school systems offering an effort into their students' mental lives at an early age, this would allow students to know how to handle their mental health better in their future, creating more motivation in the academic field of their lives.

With school systems providing a solid mental foundation in their students’ lives, they would be able to feel happier in their school environments. From a young age teachers and administration drill into their students head that good grades will make them successful in their future and that failing is not an option. Administration can make school work seem like it is going to make or break you in the aspect of a successful life. While this is not 100% wrong, failing or not making your best grade on one assignment will not completely fail your academic success in the future. This guides students into getting stressed much easier from the pressure which leads to a bad mental headspace. They then label their school as a place where they cannot be happy and thrive due to the academic pressure and expectation making them not want to come anymore. But, if schools remind themselves that their students are humans too and they will not always do great or have their “best day”, this would relieve some stress from students' lives making their mental health better and helping them with their future success. Many times you hear from your child that they don’t want to go to school or that they had a rough day. School can be physically draining at times. Oftentimes the reason students don’t want to come to school is because they are physically and mentally drained from being there all day getting minimal breaks. This then causes their mental state to drop because they have been so focussed academically but not mentally. But, if there were less school days and shorter classes, students might want to come because they aren’t there for as long. This would make students feel like they have more time in the day to themselves to do things that make them happy which would encourage a thriving mental status. Students would feel happier and would have a better mental health if their school allowed them more time off and provided them with the academic and mental reassurance they need to be successful.

School systems would see a decline in suicide rates if they stress a positive mental state in their education. Students can feel extremely overwhelmed with life at times and let their mental health plummet. They then don’t know how to get themselves out of the hole they are in and feel as if there is nothing left for them and that things will never be better. Although, if school systems provided their students with a mandatory class that teaches them about their mental health and what to do when life feels like it is too much, it would save numerous people. Not only would it teach their students how to be intentional with their mental health, but it would also allow these students to help their family and peers that are struggling as well. If school systems talked about the significance of suicide and the effects it leaves people with, many students wouldn’t consider suicide anymore. These students would be mentally successful which will benefit them in the long run with academic success. When one is considering ending their life, they don’t think about the big picture because they are physically unable to. But, if they were able to be provided the help they need by people they know and feel comfortable around, they would be able to be brought to the mental headspace they need to be in in order to see that this is only affecting a small part of their life and it will eventually get better. With school systems stressing the importance of mental health, suicide rates would soon drop.

With school systems putting more attention on mental health, students’ success rates will flourish. If school systems want students to thrive in their academics and in their future, they need to know how to help students understand their mental health while being a student. If this change were to not happen, the suicide rates would increase, society’s view on mental health would not change, and students would not have a motivation to be academically successful. Motivation is something a lot of students lack due to poor mental health which will cause them to not be successful in their future. School systems have to increase the importance of mental health in order to allow their students a full opportunity to succeed.

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