Silva the Hero | Teen Ink

Silva the Hero

May 1, 2024
By Anonymous

Once upon a time, in the magical kingdom of Silva, there lived a pony named Crescent. Now Crescent was not your typical pony; she had the spirit and heart like no other. While most ponies spent most of their day grazing in the meadows, Crescent went on adventures, always seeking excitement and mystery.  
One summer morning, as Cresent trotted through the forests surrounding Silver Castle, she stumbled upon an old, dusty map lying underneath a bush. She carefully unfolded the map with her hoof with curiosity, wondering what could be on the map. The map showed a hidden path leading to the old Castle of Shadows, where it is rumored that it is filled with secrets unknown to man.  
Cresent was filled with excitement and wasted no time. She tucked the map underneath her mane, and quickly galloped to the Castle of Shadows. As she approached, she noticed the overgrown vines, broken towers, and the years of abandonment it had gone through.  
Even though she was hesitant to enter, she pressed on, entering the castle. The crumbling halls and the empty whispered echoes through the house left her skin with goose bumps, but she marched forward, her eyes filled with determination.  
Suddenly, a soft voice echoes through the darkness. “Who dares trespass unto my castle?” It hissed 
Cresent froze, her heart pounding through her chest. She spotted a figure creeping through the dark- the evil Queen Nightingale, ruler of the Castle of Shadows. 
“I am Cresent, and I seek the truth behind these walls.” she said boldly. 
Queen Nightingales eyes gleamed with hate as she walked towards Cresent. “You dare challenge me, little pony?” You shall be trapped in the darkness forever like those who came before you!”  
But Cresent refused to back down. Within a blink of an eye, Cresent charged towards the queen, preparing for whatever was about to come.  
As she went deeper into the castle, she stumbled upon a chamber with a beautiful glow coming from inside. In the room stood Princess Stardust, her heart filled with despair and sorrow. 
“Princess Stardust, I have come to rescue you!” Cresent yells. 
The princess’s eyes start to fill with hopeful tears, she quickly goes to hug Cresent. “Thank you, dear pony. You have saved a kingdom filled with darkness.” 
But their joy was soon ruined. Queen Nightingale soon appeared, her laugh echoing through the walls. “You fool! You think you can escape me? I am the queen of shadows, and you shall listen to me!” 
With a snap of her fingers, Queen Nightingale summoned many figures of darkness, attacking Cresent and Princess Stardust. Yet through it all, Cresent refused to surrender.  
Giving every ounce of strength within her, Cresent broke free from the queen's grasp and charged towards her with everything she had. With a mighty kick, she sent Queen Nightingale into the depths of a volcano nearby, where her evil would be gone forever. 
As the sun rose over the horizon, Cresent came victorious from the Castle of Shadows, with Princess Stardust by her side. Together, they returned to Castle Silva, where they were honored for their bravery and dedication. 

The author's comments:

I'm a 17 high school year student that loves to walk and go on hikes.

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