The Maze Of A Butterfly | Teen Ink

The Maze Of A Butterfly

May 1, 2024
By Lexie-Schwandner BRONZE, Jenison, Michigan
Lexie-Schwandner BRONZE, Jenison, Michigan
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Every August it is trained into them it's time to move. The weather can no longer accompany their needs and so a part of them feels the need to flee. It's in their bones when they feel the wind turn just a bit too cold, it tells them that the fragileness that is nestled inside their lungs can't stand to be in this cold, and it's time to leave. So they spread their invisible wings and go on a flying spree. 

We first become aware of the world when we turn three. Every third birthday is the day when humans come to their senses, everything that once made them laugh had a reason behind it, and the smell they continued to breathe in was their mothers perfume she sprayed everyday and the view around was something so beautiful it was hard not to love. This is when they first become a caterpillar. 

Then as years go on just barely scraping along, some people stop and admire whist others ask if their teeth hold venom. Some people say they stand out, others call them and say they're like no others around. Sometimes they feel as though you'll turn into a moth. Their wings are pretty but never pretty enough, not as pretty as the gorgeous butterfly with wings that take them to and from the sky. And with all these 18 years of life, never will you discover what they're really like. All they hear is of the wings they will grow, carrying on the traditions of their family so long ago. they're always the one who will bloom with beautiful wings that take them everywhere they dream of, but not once are they known as the pretty caterpillar crawling around. 

Then before they know their teen years have gone and they fall into a cocoon, they hide themselves away, busied with other things they can do. they try to lose the extra pound that seems to be made of glue, and put on some new makeup so others won't always look away. They call them the years you learn you have to deal with what you see in the mirror, even if it wasn't what you'd wish to see. The parts you see in front of you are what gave you the gift to be able to walk and run, and do all the things you learned to love.

And then soon they'll be free of the cocoon, once they learn to love what they see inside, some it'll take most of their life. Once they turn 62 they'll break out of this cocoon, others will discover how much meaning they hold early on and low and behold at age 25 they'll be out of their cocoon creating memories to tell about those they once knew. 

Them loving them self will give them the wings they wish they had, they'll learn to migrate when things get too bad and need new weather to make it through the winter. Some will travel far beyond where they have ever seen, others will find new people to talk to. Some will start a new career or try something new. No matter what they do to migrate away, they will know they're loved by someone everyday. Rather that be themselves or someone else, they'll know deep down that the way of the butterfly is that the change they wanted was always there; it was the love in their hearts that kept them from seeing it in the mirror. You learn that to be a butterfly is not to fly but to feel. And that every ripple in the water is what forms a tidal wave, no matter if it was the smallest or the biggest, every small thing led to another thing bigger, everyone having a part in the matter, nothing is too small, and nothing is too big. Everyone has an equal part in the life they wish to give. But the life that they hold in their hands is that one that saves them from the heavy rain. They use what they were given to conquer everything.

Because to be a butterfly is to always change and to love yourself in every phase.

The author's comments:

For this piece I took the phases of a Butterfly (Caterpillar, Cocoon, Butterfly) and compared them to an everyday person through the vision of self-love. In the beginning we all start as a caterpillar, we just discovering the world and during this we hear about who we are and who we should be which shapes us and gives us the idea we have to fit this standard. And when in the cocoon we try to attempt to live up to this standard that we just keep trying to change ourselves and in all giving us bad self-image. And finally a butterfly, when we accept who we are and fall in love with ourselves, how having self love releases you from the cell we hold our self in, which would be the cocoon, and lets our self be free, in the metaphorical sense of getting wings. 

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