Poison Rose | Teen Ink

Poison Rose

July 4, 2023
By BananaN3rd ELITE, Clarksville, Tennessee
BananaN3rd ELITE, Clarksville, Tennessee
111 articles 10 photos 15 comments

Favorite Quote:
If the pen is stronger than the sword, what am I supposed to do when the pen declares a war?

Lily stood beside her best friend as she plucked a few roses out of a vase, delicately wrapping them with a thick red ribbon. “Dillan, make sure to keep these roses hydrated, alright? I’m sure when you give them to your sweetheart, she’ll love the smell! I grew them, after all.” She giggled as she handed Dillan the roses.

Dillan nodded, smiling his typical lopsided smile. “Alright, Lily. Thanks. Thank you so much. I’m sure she’ll love these.”

Lily smiled as he walked out. “Yeah. I’m sure she’ll like them too . . .”

The next day, Lily awoke to the incessant beeping of her alarm clock, reaching over and slamming her hand down on the plastic buttons. Her room was decorated with several arrays of flowers, both alive and not. She liked the smell that all of them combined gave the room.

She walked into the kitchen, turning on the TV as she made herself a small cup of tea. Though the news at first wasn’t what she had been hoping for, the one after was.

“Officers say that there is no suspect in the double homicide that happened last night. Both teenagers, Alice Pent and Dillan White, were found dead on the sidewalk near a local dance club. There’s also no sign of a murder weapon, and an autopsy is hopefully going to give them the insight they need to find a suspect.”

Lily sipped at her tea as the newsperson started to cover a segment on sports. She turned off the TV, annoyed. No sign of a murder weapon? Seriously? Are these officers just that stupid? She thought to herself as she went into her floral arrangements room, putting a select few flowers on the display window.

She lived on the top floor of her shop, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t be careful. She was always careful. Today would be no different.

She flipped the CLOSED sign around, smiling. Today was going to be a great day. Even if she didn’t find anyone to target in particular, she’d still make a pretty penny. Her shop just so happened to be the most popular shop in town.

Lilly put on a smile as someone walked through the door. “Hello! How can I help you?”

The woman looked up with a surprised face. “Oh, yes! I’m sorry. I want to get a small bouquet of flowers for my sister. She’s sick, and I’d like to get her something nice. Do you have any flowers that give off a sweet aroma?”

Lily’s eyes twinkled as she smiled again. “Yes, I’ve got plenty. I think the two of you will find that their smell is worth dying for.”

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