New Recipe | Teen Ink

New Recipe

July 4, 2023
By BananaN3rd ELITE, Clarksville, Tennessee
BananaN3rd ELITE, Clarksville, Tennessee
111 articles 10 photos 15 comments

Favorite Quote:
If the pen is stronger than the sword, what am I supposed to do when the pen declares a war?

Mrs. Stacy sat on her favorite chair, sipping at a cup of coffee as she flipped through one of her favorite novels. She had a roast in the oven, one of a different recipe, but it smelled delicious nonetheless. She couldn’t wait to try it.

The doorbell rang, surprising Mrs. Stacy. She put her book down, but still held her coffee as she walked toward the door. She opened it slowly, revealing three officers standing in front of her door. 

“Hello. You must be Mrs. Stacy. We’ve come to inform you about your husband’s disappearance. He disappeared yesterday morning, and his boss informed us of his absence.”

“He said he was on a work trip.” Mrs. Stacy said, raising an eyebrow. “I doubt he’d lie to me about something as important as that.” She crossed her arms after setting her drink down. 

“We have some questions for you, ma’am.” One of the officers said as Mrs. Stacy sat back down.

“You don’t think I had something to do with his disappearance, do you?” Mrs. Stacy asked worriedly, putting a gloved hand up to her cheek.

“Don’t worry, these are just standard questions that we’re required to ask the spouse of a missing person.

Mrs. Stacy breathed a quiet breath of relief. “I have something in the oven. I don’t want it to burn. Is it alright if I go get it?”

“Of course.”

She made a dash into the kitchen, pulling out the roast. She was eternally grateful that it hadn’t burned, the smell might have been horrendous. She walked back into the living room, where all three officers were quietly talking amongst each other. “Since you’re here, would you guys like some roast? It’s a new recipe, so it might be a bit odd. Since you guys are being so helpful as to look for my husband, you might as well get some sort of treat.” She smiled as all three men nodded, giving each of them a huge portion of the roast.

The main officer looked at her after taking a bite. “This is the best roast I’ve ever had!” He exclaimed, shoving another chunk of meat into his mouth.

Mrs. Stacy giggled. “I’m so glad you like it!” She said, clapping her hands together. She walked back into the kitchen, looking at the almost-empty glass dish of roast. “It’s such a shame that you won’t get to try it.” She whispered to the dish. “But I do have to get rid of all the evidence.”

She pulled out a jar with a reddish-orange sauce in it, pouring a huge amount onto the remnants of the roast before spreading it all over the roast.

“And who knew that blood and cheese were the perfect topping?”

The author's comments:

This is based off of my interpretation of a story I read all the way back in 6th grade. My teacher got upset with me because I saw it as cannibalism, but it somehow wasn't. Now it is!

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