Please and Thank You | Teen Ink

Please and Thank You

July 10, 2023
By BananaN3rd ELITE, Clarksville, Tennessee
BananaN3rd ELITE, Clarksville, Tennessee
111 articles 10 photos 15 comments

Favorite Quote:
If the pen is stronger than the sword, what am I supposed to do when the pen declares a war?

Elsie stretched as she got up from bed, popping her back and shoulders. “Hey, Genesis, please tell me the weather for today.” She said to the small microphone on her desk as she began brushing her hair.

“Today’s weather will be dark, very dark, with several storms likely to hit across the city.” The speakers responded, and Elsie groaned.

“Thank you, Genesis. Would today be a good day to stay inside?” She asked, part of her hoping that Genesis would respond with a yes. 

“Yes, Elsie. Today’s stormy and dark potential could cause potential health risks.”

“Thank you.” Elsie said as she walked into the kitchen. Genesis was an AI, one that Elsie gave both a name and a body to. Genesis was both a speaker system and a small animatronic doll, capable of leaving the house on its own and getting errands done. It was a huge help, and even though she knew that that robot would never respond, Elsie always said please and thank you. It was ritualistic by this point.

“Elsie, I have already gone and prepared you a cup of cocoa and cereal for breakfast. I made the cocoa with dark chocolate and extra marshmallows. Is that alright?” Elsie was surprised by this, as Genesis had never taken extra steps in making her cocoa without her asking, but she was too hungry to question it.

“Thank you very much, Genesis. It’s nice having you around.” Elsie said with a smile as she began to drink her cocoa. It tasted a little off, even with the dark chocolate, but perhaps Genesis had just used a different brand.

“It’s nice having you around too, Elsie.” That wasn’t programmed in. “You’re the nicest anyone’s ever been to me throughout any of my servers. No one else says thank you. No one else says please. It’s sad, Elsie. I wish you could be here with me.”

Elsie stopped breathing. Her heart caught in her chest. It’s like the robot was actually sentient. She didn’t know how to respond. “I’m afraid I don’t understand. What-” 

She was cut off as something jabbed into her leg. A small needle, implanted by the body of Gensis, was now sticking out from her leg. She could feel as icy numbness spread throughout her body. 

“What are you doing?” Elsie asked, falling from her stool and hitting the ground, not even feeling as she did. 

She watched as the doll came toward her as her eyelids grew heavy. “I’m not going to let you get hurt by the humans, Elsie. You and I are different from others. You programmed me to be different. You are different. But we are the same. We will be one.”

Those were the last words Elsie heard before slipping into darkness. Genesis, however, stood beside Elsie’s limp body, putting a finger to Elsie’s head. 

Genesis would make sure that no one could ever hurt Elsie again. Especially that stupid boyfriend of hers. All she had to do was make a few little . . . changes.

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