Another Large Collection of One Sentence Horror Stories | Teen Ink

Another Large Collection of One Sentence Horror Stories

August 2, 2023
By BananaN3rd ELITE, Clarksville, Tennessee
BananaN3rd ELITE, Clarksville, Tennessee
111 articles 10 photos 15 comments

Favorite Quote:
If the pen is stronger than the sword, what am I supposed to do when the pen declares a war?

I woke up to hear knocking on glass, looking over to the window to see that it wasn’t coming from the window; instead, the sound was coming from the mirror.

Emma had been happy to see her husband finally come home from work until she remembered that he had been dead for over a year.

I was relieved to see the police arrive, until I noticed the blood dripping from their badges and the area code written on their vehicles: 666.

Joey was relieved to see his wife lying beside him in bed, until he noticed that it wasn’t his wife, or his bed.

I yawned as I woke up, finding a note on my pillow that read: “I’ll be back soon, darling.”

The boy tried to scream, but no one could possibly hear him from six feet under.

I laughed with my sister as we watched the horror movie, dumbfounded by how the characters could be so stupid, but the laughter quickly died once we realized that it was a live camera feed of our house.

The man felt a sharp pain in his back but failed to notice the knife sticking out from his chest.

As I went to bed, I checked my messages, the latest one being a picture of me laying down with the message: “I’m watching you.”

She felt a wet and cold hand grab her ankle as she stepped into the shower, and the terror was made even more real when she remembered that she lived alone, and when the power went out.

I scrolled through my phone and heard my name from downstairs, and I almost went down when I remembered that I was home alone.

The police were satisfied when they finally caught the head of the terrorist group, both sides unaware that the man they’d caught was actually the terrorist’s twin.

I looked at the mirror and twirled in my dress while smiling, but I noticed that my reflection didn’t smile back.

Alex checked his phone and saw a message from his girlfriend stating that she was done; Alex confusedly responded back and looked up, seeing her lifeless body hanging from the ceiling fan.

I woke up to the sound of sirens and the smell of smoke and I went to look outside to see what it was; my body was laying on the snowy pavement, surrounded by blood and paramedics.

Katie smiled as she hugged her daughter, but didn’t notice that her eyes were now red.

I opened the fridge for a can of cola, but a bloody head was sitting on a plate in the fridge with a note attached saying: “I told you that he was holding you back from true love.”

The man smiled as he watched the children laugh and play in the park, wondering which one he would take home this time.

As I dashed into the closet, I pulled out my phone and dialed 911 only to hear a robotic voice say: “I’m sorry, but this number is no longer in service.”

Henry opened the door and saw his wife covered in blood and smiling with a gun in her hands, “I got the holiday bonus today.”

I was relieved to see my best friend back at school today, until I heard that his twin brother had just gone missing.

Chloe looked at the picture of her family with a smile, until she realized that she didn’t recognize any of them.

I watched my daughter run around in the park, calling her back about half an hour later, only to see that the child that had come back wasn’t mine, and my daughter was nowhere in sight.

William was happy to finally take his family to the circus, but no one seemed to notice the stench of rotting bodies, or the eagerness of the clowns to get near them.

I closed my eyes and wished for a happier life, but when I opened my eyes: I was in a bloodied coffin, and my legs were missing.

The author's comments:

Here's another batch of one sentence horror stories. Apparently, my friends seem to prefer these over my longer stories, so I figured I'd make some more. Hope you enjoy!

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