Carol's Calling | Teen Ink

Carol's Calling

August 11, 2023
By BananaN3rd ELITE, Clarksville, Tennessee
BananaN3rd ELITE, Clarksville, Tennessee
111 articles 10 photos 15 comments

Favorite Quote:
If the pen is stronger than the sword, what am I supposed to do when the pen declares a war?

I wake to the sound of my ringing phone. An unknown caller, but I go to pick it up anyway. As I put it up to my ear, a loud and familiar voice yells at me. “Hey, Tina! Guess who’s back? Your old pal, the one and only, Carol!” 

I laugh. “You came back to our sleepy little town? You? The big girl who was destined for a good life?” I ask mockingly, and she laughs.

“Yup! Turns out, being a doctor wasn’t really what I wanted, plus, I wanted to see you again! How are things? You still with the scary man?” I quickly inhale.

“No. I should have taken your warning seriously, Carol. He’s my ex now.”

“Good! I told you something was off about him! I’m glad you’re doing better though without him! I can hear it in your voice.” Carol giggles before hanging up, and I stand there for a moment, confused and slightly dazed. Leave it to Carol to leave you asking questions.

Years ago, right before moving, she warned me that my current boyfriend was not normal. He had some undiscussed mental issues, and-

The TV flashes to life suddenly, talking about a dead body found near . . . Oh my God. The person they’re talking about on the TV is my ex. He’s . . . dead? But who would ever kill him in this small town?

I try to calm my breathing, and change the channel before grabbing a soda. It’s just a small oddity. Someone got drunk and took it out on him, or there was an argument, right?

My phone rings again. “Hey, Tina? Have you seen the news?”

“Yeah . . . who would do something like that? Why would someone do something like that?”

“I don’t know, Tina. I really don’t. But knowing all the enemies he had, I’m willing to bet that it was one of them.” She pauses for a moment. “Is it alright if I come over? Take a shower and all that good jazz?”

“Um . . . sure, I guess? The house is a mess, and-”

“Mine’s worse, Tina! Alright, see you in a few!” She abruptly hangs up again, leaving me once again with several more questions. 

Once she arrives, I go pale. Blood covers her, and her eyes are wide, but her smile is wider. “Carol . . .?”

“I’m not even gonna bother anymore, Tina. That man didn’t deserve life after what he did to you. Neither did the other three.” She said in a grim voice. 

“What did you do?” I ask shakily, taking a step back.

“Being a doctor wasn’t my true calling, Tina. But this is. And I think you should join me.”

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