SORROW | Teen Ink


January 6, 2022
By aalaazah1 PLATINUM, Colombo, Other
aalaazah1 PLATINUM, Colombo, Other
32 articles 2 photos 153 comments

Favorite Quote:
where words fail music speaks
success is a journey, not a destination

when you feel your best, everybody else can feel it too - ARIANA GRANDE

If you are able to look yourself
in the mirror every day
with the decisions that you make,
that's where power starts - SELENA GOMEZ

Before you judge people judge yourself - ZAYN MALIK

haters will say what they want, but their hate will
never stop you from chasing your dream- JUSTIN BIEBER

If you follow your dreams,
it means you follow your heart.
if you do follow your heart,
I don't think you can go wrong- CELINE DION

Yes, I miss the secret rendezvous ad the sweet kisses we had
but, it would be fair to leave you when you hurt me betrayed me so hard
I never knew you weren't so worth it to love and need you bad
because what you did was cut my heart and leave it in a corner until it bleeds
it was the only indescribable sorrow feeling which made me cold 

Always what I did was anticipate your call
I never thought you could hit me so hard until I fall
you said you stole my heart but my happiness is all that you stole
you are a traitor and betrayer is all that I feel
counting stars is as hard as having with you a deal

All I know was you were a person heartless and an absurd fellow 
and you thought that everyone you knew was always more than you below
all you had in your heart is hatred of 10,000 kilos
and never had a sense of mellow
which made me feel mad and always cry on my pillow 

Even though you hurt me all I did was bare
I said that finding another like me would be very rare
but you, frowned you're facing and walked away like you never care
and it made me sit alone and cry on  my stairs
all the things you did finally got me into great sorrow and an unsatisfied stare

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This article has 5 comments.

on Jan. 24 2022 at 9:23 am
CaliFranceGurl648 GOLD, San Diego, California
11 articles 1 photo 125 comments

Favorite Quote:
“I am a California girl, born and raised, so flip-flops and cutoff shorts are my go-to look."

– Meghan Markle

@aalaazah1, click the below link and join the stars app and message me through it. We can collaborate through it. Waiting for your response! Sorry for responding late, gurl.

You're invited to join me on Stars Hey! Add me on Stars- Private, Fun messaging for all!

My username: lolaqueen347
Star pin:- G5N 6W1

on Jan. 22 2022 at 11:10 pm
aalaazah1 PLATINUM, Colombo, Other
32 articles 2 photos 153 comments

Favorite Quote:
where words fail music speaks
success is a journey, not a destination

when you feel your best, everybody else can feel it too - ARIANA GRANDE

If you are able to look yourself
in the mirror every day
with the decisions that you make,
that's where power starts - SELENA GOMEZ

Before you judge people judge yourself - ZAYN MALIK

haters will say what they want, but their hate will
never stop you from chasing your dream- JUSTIN BIEBER

If you follow your dreams,
it means you follow your heart.
if you do follow your heart,
I don't think you can go wrong- CELINE DION

@LolaQueen526 thanks and yes sure we could collaborate.....

on Jan. 21 2022 at 8:24 am
CaliFranceGurl648 GOLD, San Diego, California
11 articles 1 photo 125 comments

Favorite Quote:
“I am a California girl, born and raised, so flip-flops and cutoff shorts are my go-to look."

– Meghan Markle

@aalaazah1, you write so heart-stirringly! I was wondering if we could um...collaborate...

on Jan. 19 2022 at 9:31 am
aalaazah1 PLATINUM, Colombo, Other
32 articles 2 photos 153 comments

Favorite Quote:
where words fail music speaks
success is a journey, not a destination

when you feel your best, everybody else can feel it too - ARIANA GRANDE

If you are able to look yourself
in the mirror every day
with the decisions that you make,
that's where power starts - SELENA GOMEZ

Before you judge people judge yourself - ZAYN MALIK

haters will say what they want, but their hate will
never stop you from chasing your dream- JUSTIN BIEBER

If you follow your dreams,
it means you follow your heart.
if you do follow your heart,
I don't think you can go wrong- CELINE DION

@Afra thank you...

Afra ELITE said...
on Jan. 19 2022 at 8:42 am
Afra ELITE, Kandy, Other
103 articles 7 photos 1824 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A writer must never be short of ideas."
-Gabriel Agreste- (Fictional character- Miraculous)

@aalaazah1, your choice of diction create the feeling in our hearts in another level!!! Keep writing!!!✍🏻★ ✍🏻