The Wonderful Gift Of A Teacher | Teen Ink

The Wonderful Gift Of A Teacher

April 3, 2024
By Goddesss SILVER, Columbus, Ohio
Goddesss SILVER, Columbus, Ohio
5 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
I'm the divine Mother, please don't show my
please don't blow my

Throughout my many years of attending school, only a few teachers have had an impact on my life. Teachers’ jobs are straightforward to teach us, make sure we follow rules, give us instructions that we have to follow, and grade our work. They talk, we listen and the cycle continues. But the ones that interact and create a connection, are the ones that do more than just teaching. My current High School Career Technical teacher is not a “normal” teacher, she cares. She is a gifted teacher who deeply cares about her students and their success. When I decided to switch schools to a Career Technical school, I had no plan nor intention of what I wanted to do. Just knew I wanted to join a lab that involves business, which is why I joined the Entrepreneurship and Innovation lab. I had not many traits at that time, that would have indicated I was a great pick for the lab, besides the passion I have for it. But when I came into the lab, I was accepted and knew I would be successful and get a chance to learn and adapt. Now, I am a great student and I feel as if I have grown as a student and person since joining a Career Technical School. My teacher helped and encouraged me to do better. She takes her time to point out characteristics she notices, she pays attention to the growth inside, and outside of me even if I don’t notice. She tells me she can see my potential, and all of my other classmates' potential too. She awarded me Student Of The Month, I was never the top student in any classes. I would say I was always anti-social. Teachers never noticed me. But being in her class, opened my eyes a little more. To know someone paid attention to me, and thought that I was a fit that described, helped me keep going. The littlest comments Teachers make could have a huge impact on students. Being in our classroom feels like home, we cried together, laughed together, and helped each other. She made sure to create a classroom where everyone gets along, it’s not because she’s a good teacher, it’s because she’s a good human. It’s because she’s aware of us, and tries to treat us all equally she sees us as more than just students. She observes us, but she doesn’t keep her observations to herself, she voices them which helps us grow. What’s the point of being a teacher, if your main goal isn’t to help students grow? Yeah, you teach students but the only thing they walk away with is the knowledge they learned. Nothing else to hold onto, cherish, or remember. She cares about our futures and goes out of her way to post resources for us when we graduate. She doesn’t have to, but she chooses to, and that's why I choose to write this essay. Teachers deserve to be included, you matter.

The author's comments:

I turned my feelings into words and tried to describe this human being the best I could. But words cannot describe how grateful I am to have had a teacher who pushed me hard. 

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