Why Would I Complain? | Teen Ink

Why Would I Complain?

August 25, 2023
By Andrewhan11 PLATINUM, Jericho, New York
Andrewhan11 PLATINUM, Jericho, New York
31 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am pretty sure that at one point in our lives, we have all complained about something. As a student, I always complained about the endless amount of schoolwork. As a child, I often heard my parents buzzing around and complaining about their jobs or colleagues. It is natural for us, as human beings, to be indignant. However, when it comes to humans, not everything that is natural appears to be good, as such things as greed are often considered to be poor qualities. And this summer made me realize that complaining is one of them as well.

Now, I want you to think about the last thing or just a thing you often whine about. What was it? Let me guess, it was probably once your own choice, and even if it’s not, you can easily get rid of it now. More often than not, that guess is accurate. But what if that’s totally fallacious for someone else? What if despite their tireless undertakings to enjoy life, something is standing in their way, like curtains shuttering the beaming sunlight of happiness?

In June of this summer, I was given an opportunity to walk into this shadow realm. Thanks to my father’s friend, Professor Moronov, I got a rare volunteer job. I became a sports coach at a rehab center where kids of all ages were recovering both psychologically and physically after fighting cancer. The spirit of any person endeavoring to conquer cancer knows no bounds because what can be worse than cancer? Death is the only thing that comes to my mind. And even then, I would argue after all I saw this summer. I truly understood why some people call cancer the “slow death” after witnessing it gradually sucking out the lives out of those poor children. And to my absolute surprise, none of them complained, moreover, they seemed to enjoy life even with a greater effort as if they were mocking and scaring death itself, and not the other way around.

I couldn't wish for a better morning on the first day of the job. It was just perfect to introduce the mood of the place. The bright summer sky was covered in a blanket of gray clouds that soon started to sprinkle drops of rain. However, as soon as a sign of the rehab center greeted us, the sunlight immediately penetrated those pillows in the sky above our heads. I knew right then and there that it meant something. 

After getting introduced to the center and the staff, I was told that since I played almost every single sport, I would be responsible for teaching different sports to children including basketball, soccer, and tennis. My first lesson was going to be in the afternoon because all the kids would have to go through the chemical procedures in the first half of the day. I decided that I would teach soccer that day and sat down to plan out the practice. 

When I went out to the field at 3 o'clock, I shockingly saw only one boy standing there patiently waiting for me as if he was preparing for this moment his whole life. After a brief introduction, I got to know him better. His name was Michael and he was nine years old. The moment I saw him, I instantly noticed a couple of things. He was unusually skinny to the point that I could see his veins showed through his skin. They looked so blue that they made me cold. All this didn’t matter anymore as soon as I saw his warm smile that lit up the field like sunbeam on a cloudy day. The sincerest happiness and smile was on Michael’s face that day. He was enjoying every second of chasing that black and white ball and getting a little green on his white shoes. Watching him alone made me feel happier than any of the goals I had scored over the years. Now I wanted to make someone else cheerful to keep fighting for his dream and life --- the only goal I hadn’t been able to score until now. Every moment spent with Michael made my life feel sort of more complete. At this point, both me and his mom had tears in our eyes as she has never seen her son this happy either. 

The next day I would find out from Michael’s mom, whose name was Katherine, that they went through a lot as a family. After they discovered Michael’s brain tumor, everything changed in their lives forever. A bright kid, Michael had to leave everything that he loved in order to go fight the toughest battle of his life so far. However, after many operations and countless days, he opened those curtains up and saw the light of life. And of course, none of this would be possible without a smile on his face. I was fascinated how neither him nor his parents complained about their tragic situation, their unluckiness, and their lives. I asked myself there on the spot: “If none of this made Michael’s family even think about grumbling, then why do I whine all the time with everything that I have?” This question sat in my mind and is still on my mind as I am writing. I constantly try to remind myself about all the blessings and joy that I have that others might not have been as fortunate to have. Thank you god.

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