A Balkan Voyage Through Time | Teen Ink

A Balkan Voyage Through Time

December 9, 2023
By Andrewhan11 PLATINUM, Jericho, New York
Andrewhan11 PLATINUM, Jericho, New York
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At the start of the Balkans, where the two magnificent rivers of Danube and Sava meet, sits a small ancient city of Belgrade, the heart and capital of the Republic of Serbia. Providing control over the major waterways and areas, Belgrade has always been considered a strategic gem throughout human history. The city’s walls traveled through time from the Roman and Byzantine Empires to the Ottoman rule and modern-day Europe. And this summer, I also decided to visit and make myself a part of Belgrade’s history. With a 7000-year history, this city unexpectedly became the highlight of my summer.  And while it had much to offer, one place stood above the others: the Nikola Tesla Museum.

As I walked through the charming streets of Belgrade on the first day, I was shocked by the city’s fusion of history and modernity. The cars I had never seen before, the public transportation that was so strange to me, and the people wearing different clothes than people across the Atlantic Ocean were all so new to me that I felt as if I was Alice in Wonderland.  The air seemed different to my nose; it was fresh, sweet, and clean. I could tell from the first minute that Belgrade had a rich and diverse culture. The vivid architecture with countless statues and fountains spread throughout the city, like God had put a sprinkle of art on this land. The grass was greener, the sky was bluer, the streets were cleaner, and everything seemed better about this place. I didn’t want to ever leave. However, I had yet to find the real treasure in the city’s heart, where the legacy of one of history’s greatest inventors was stored.

Walking through the quiet residential area, it was a challenge for me to find the museum. It was as if the facades of the small three-story building tried to hide the world of scientific wonder from me. Upon entering, I was immediately transported into the world of Nikola Tesla, the brilliant inventor and visionary. The museum is not merely a repository of his inventions but an open door to his lab.

The tour began with a brief video that introduced us to Tesla’s early life in Croatia, his journey to the United States, and his groundbreaking work in electricity and science. The story of his rivalry with Thomas Edison and the descriptions of his various inventions, such as the Tesla coil, warmed my excitement for the tour.

The museum was filled with Tesla’s personal artifacts, which was the most captivating part. His laboratory notes, boots, gloves, and suitcases brought me hundreds of years back into his house. Turning my head, I saw Tesla sitting in the corner in a gray suit on a rocking chair, reading a book.  But it was just a wax figure with every bit of detail, like facial wrinkles and watering eyes. Standing before the Wardenclyffe Tower model, an experimental wireless transmission station Tesla built in Shoreham, NY, in 1901, I entered the mind of a true visionary. I could feel Tesla's spirit in the creation and the weight of his genius.

Moreover, there were tens of various patents invented by Tesla himself, which were only a small portion of the three hundred that he had over his lifespan. Each display symbolized the restless pursuit of innovation and endless curiosity. Nikola Tesla was clearly a dreamer with ideas that seemed crazy then but are a reality today.

But as they always do, the tour guides left the best part of this journey for the end. The cherry on top of this museum was the Tesla coil, or more importantly, its demonstration. A giant metal structure stood in the middle of the room, looking over all the visitors underneath.  Turned on, the coil made the sound of the biggest thunderstorm, making my bones shake. The blue sparks danced through the air, gluing everyone’s eyes on them. Turning around, I could again see Tesla standing next to me, looking at his creation and wondering about its improvements. The dazzling spectacle left me pleasantly shocked about Tesla’s groundbreaking work. The enthusiasm of our tour guide, Ms. Stankovich, only made the experience even more memorable and entertaining. Being born and raised in Belgrade, she walked us through every exponent with a feeling of pride and the enthusiasm of a kid. You could tell it was her dream to present the honor of her country to foreigners every day, and she would never get tired of it.

Leaving the building, I realized that my visit to the Nikola Tesla Museum was more than just a tourist attraction. It was a journey through decades, a chance to see the legacy of a true genius and talent. Just an ordinary kid born in a village of nowhere forever wrote his name down in the history books. This shows that anyone can achieve big things as long as they keep chasing their dreams regardless of their family or economic background.  We shouldn’t chase money and wealth. Instead, we should pursue passion and legacy. That was the biggest life lesson I took away from that small building. This inspires me to keep fighting for my future and make more people know my name.

Tesla’s legacy lives on today in the form of a world-known car company, Tesla Inc., the first car company to produce fully electric cars that now millions of people drive around the globe. This only shows how the name Tesla will forever represent and be associated with something new and innovative.

Concluding my trip, Belgrade, with its rich history and cultural vibrancy, became a voyage of discovery and offered me the most unique summer experience.

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