Balancing Act | Teen Ink

Balancing Act

April 30, 2024
By 1413635, West Melbourne, Florida
1413635, West Melbourne, Florida
0 articles 0 photos 0 comments


In a world where WWIII, global warming, the cure for cancer, and amazing developments in technology have been made, the socioeconomic aspects of the world has also changed. Countries no longer exist and humans are no longer able to live on the land of the Earth. Instead, humans are forced to live in the sea, space, and the sky. Three new rulers rule the world as an oligarchy in a government known as The United Lands of the Earth. The protagonist Sarah is a nature enthusiast. She wants to restore Earth back to what it used to be and wishes to see humans living on the land again. Her work threatens the oligarchy, causing them to take drastic measures against her. 

Both the government and the company she works for have secrets and end up involving Sarah in a conspiracy that runs deep. What happens to Sarah? Read "Balancing Act" to find out!

Raaha S.

Balancing Act

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