how AI use is affecting the modern world | Teen Ink

how AI use is affecting the modern world

April 30, 2024
By breck_rustad BRONZE, 55009, Minnesota
breck_rustad BRONZE, 55009, Minnesota
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

           People say technology is destroying the world and in some ways, I believe that, but technology is also changing the world and maybe that change is for the best. There have been so many inventions that have changed so many lives and changed the way things are done. One of these inventions was artificial intelligence or AI. AI is a beneficial tool for the new world and a vision of the future. There are so many more uses for AI than we think and so many more things than we will ever know. Today I will discuss artificial intelligence or AI, where AI is being used in the workforce, AI on computers, and new uses for AI.

First, I like the AI assistants introduced to us to help with everyday life. These include Siri, Alexa, and Google. First, I will talk about Siri. Siri is the personal assistant made by Apple Inc. This is the little assistant on Apple products. I don't use Siri often, but it gets the job done when I do. I like to ask Siri random facts and things about sports. Siri is a pretty good AI assistant on iPhone and iPad that's free, but Apple also makes a HomePod mini coming in at $99. Next, I will talk about Alexa. Alexa is the most popular home assistant. I have an Alexa and this little speaker helps a lot. I like to use it for things like listening to music and sporting events, setting alarms, checking sports scores, and tracking packages. You can also make grocery lists and buy things from these little devices completely controlled by people's voices. Alexa is another great choice with the Echo Dot coming in at $64. Last but not least, Google. Google is the second most popular home assistant. Google’s Assistant makes Google Home Assistant was released in September of 2016. According to “69 voice search statistics 2024 (usage and demographics)” by Albert Mosby on March 16, 2024, there were 125.2 million voice assistant users in 2023. “Voice search has gained significant popularity over the past few years, and over 50% of the worldwide population uses the technology daily.”

 Next AI is being used In many job-related things. These include the medical field and assembly line jobs. I will first talk about the medical field. Information from Los Angeles Pacific University’s website, the article “How is AI being Used in the Healthcare Industry?” The article tells us that AI can diagnose patients and can read X-rays, MRIs, and CT scans. It also says it can do things like transcribing medical documents, and also administrative tasks, such as billing and scheduling, reducing paperwork and improving overall operational efficiency. Next are assembly lines. There are many places where AI is used in jobs previously done by humans. This includes car assembly. According to Ravi Kunju, chief product and strategy officer at software firm Altair Engineering Inc. interviewed in Assembly magazine, “AI is having a dramatic impact on automotive manufacturing regarding quality control and predictive maintenance applications. Various conditions can affect manufacturing, resulting in variability and inconsistencies,” says Kunju. “AI is increasingly used to predict the right process parameters based on data for what has historically worked or failed. I think the use of AI in the automotive industry is very effective for the quality and timeliness of the cars.

In recent times, computer users have been able to rely on AI-powered assistants to make their lives easier. These AI helpers include Grammarly, Chat GPT, and adblocks, each offering different things. Grammarly is a powerful tool that can be used both as a web application and a browser extension. It uses advanced algorithms to analyze text and provide suggestions for improving grammar and writing styles. I personally like Grammarly a lot and find it very useful when writing. Chat GPT, on the other hand, is an AI chatbot that can carry out conversations with the people on the website, answer questions, and help with various tasks. Finally ad blocker. Adblocks are software programs that can block unwanted ads while browsing the web, preventing distractions and improving the overall browsing experience.

AI has had some new uses in recent times, with some being translators and improved customer service. First, translators. There are some online translators and translators on a mobile device. These include Google Translate and TranslateMe. I don't use translators to much but when I do they help a lot. Google Translate is a web application that you use to translate words. With over 100 languages supported, it has become one of the most popular translation tools on the internet and your device will say the word or sentence back to you if you want it to. Google Translate has become an essential tool for many people around the world. It has made communication across different languages much easier and has opened up new opportunities for people around the world. As technology continues to improve, translation services like Google Translate will likely become even more accurate and useful. Next is live translators on mobile devices. These include TranslateMe and instant voice translation. Online live voice translators aren't being used that much yet but i think that they will be a big part of the years to come.

In conclusion, I wrote about AI devices in many homes, AI in the workforce, AI on devices, and mobile translators. I think that AI has a place in the world and AI will continue to learn and grow in the world. AI has brought about several positive changes in various places, and its continued development will likely lead to even more significant improvements in the future. 

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How Ai is being used

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