she fears | Teen Ink

she fears

March 27, 2024
By RubyOwen2026 SILVER, Orange Park, Florida
RubyOwen2026 SILVER, Orange Park, Florida
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I fear the sky I fear the rain

I fear the blood running in my veins

I fear what’s lost I fear what’s found 

I fear the bodies underground 


I fear what I know and what I don’t 

I fear every rhyme I ever wrote 

I fear the dark

I fear the light 

I fear the day 

I fear the night 

I fear the gun

I fear the knife

I fear the lies

I fear the truth

I fear everything I have to loose


But as long as your here 

I have one less thing to fear

I know I’ll never be alone as long as your near

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