Gun | Teen Ink


March 27, 2024
By RubyOwen2026 SILVER, Orange Park, Florida
RubyOwen2026 SILVER, Orange Park, Florida
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I would never buy a gun

As long as you are mine

I would never buy a gun

I rather die right by your side


I would never buy a gun

Just to keep it under my bed

I would never buy a gun

Just to stay a shot ahead


I would never buy a gun

To tempt my fearful fingers

I would never buy a gun

And allow my guilt to linger


I would never buy a gun

Unless the store had only one

I would never buy a gun

Unless to death I wish to succumb 


I would never buy a gun

For what my father said is true

I would never buy a gun

Just to strike fear in you


I would never buy a gun

Just to exercise a right

I would never buy a gun

Just because America knows I'm white


I would never buy a gun

Unless I have a mouth to feed

I would never buy a gun 

Unless that mouth needed me


I would never buy a gun

Just to pierce an empty can 

I would never buy a gun

Just because I can 


I would never buy a gun

For courage isn't what you are willing to do,

with a gun in your hand

but, what you will still do

when the gun is facing you


I won’t buy a gun 

But maybe years will change 

I won’t buy a gun

Unless my anger’s tamed


Men buy guns

For lovers 

Women buy guns

As mothers


But I am Neither

So why would I,

Buy a gun

And waste my dimes

To give or take an eternity of time

To me or you

To say I know would be a lie 

Only the God above can take a life

So I won't buy a gun for now

And save the shots

for another crowd.


If the lion found a gun

The sheep would no longer be near 

If the frog bought a gun

The flies would buzz with fear

The more power that we feel

The more our stomach grows

For the taste of submission

To keep the lower low



I would have never bought a gun

If in your arms I laid

I would have never bought a gun 

If you had only stayed


I would have never had blood to clean

I would have never heard the screams

If only you,



had been here with me.

The author's comments:

about the effects of gun violence 

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