full | Teen Ink


May 1, 2024
By ashreads BRONZE, Calabasas, Please Select
ashreads BRONZE, Calabasas, Please Select
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

why do i eat when i’m full?

why do i hold on for dear life,

clutching the straps as the bull

bucks me off into a pit of despair

and pain?

why do i stay outside when i know

deep down in my heart it’s going to rain?

when i bite into a cookie

my vision turns black.

i can’t stop the train

it’s going down the tracks

i know where it will end.

there’s a trash can filled with puke

right down the bend.

when i’m sad, i eat.

when i’m angry, i eat,

when i’m stressed, i eat,

when i’m alone, i eat,

when i’m bored, i eat,

even when i can’t eat any more.

and i’m in pain

and it hurts

and i’m sore

and i can’t feel.

i take a seat.

and start another meal.

The author's comments:

spiraling out of control

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