Stargazing | Teen Ink


April 26, 2024
By BetGamerPoet BRONZE, Helena, Montana
BetGamerPoet BRONZE, Helena, Montana
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

How may I start on this celestial collate?

How may I look up in wonder at them.

The beautiful sparks in the sky when late.

How astronauts go and see you in LEM

Like sparks flying from the ancient grinder,

you spark the night with beautiful dim light.

Like sugar from the bakers hand to the blender

Us, a speck in the galaxy in its dark night.

How our elders named many of your shapes

names of gods that somewhere in time “had sight”

How you help us plan for our greatest escapes

You specks of light in the place we call space

I thank you for being so uniquely you, 

I thank those who started shining; So uniquely new.

The author's comments:

Definition of LEM. a spacecraft that carries astronauts from the command module to the surface of the moon and back. 

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