The Beast with No Soul | Teen Ink

The Beast with No Soul

December 30, 2015
By writing.away BRONZE, St. Charles, Illinois
writing.away BRONZE, St. Charles, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There’s no escape here. But I can tell that she already knows it because, despite her intense starvation and dehydration, she has stopped trying to find a way out. Most who are brought to me are in the clutches of insanity. Some hysterically scream for help until their voice dissipates to nothing but a hoarse whisper. Others desperately attempt to escape me, all to no avail. Any who think they can evade me are deceiving themselves. She just drapes herself across the pitiful bundle loosely tied of twigs that she calls a raft, not bothering to move at all. Occasionally, her lips part just enough for a wretched wail to slice through the air. I almost wish I could show mercy. It’s just a wish. All she wanted to do is say goodbye. Because of me, she never will. Even if I gave in to my emotions, what would I do? Manipulating the currents for just a single human on the brink of death is not worth the amount of life it would destroy. There is truly no hope for her. In a final attempt to reach her family, she howls so loud that my surface ripples with reverberations from her lamentation. But the wind casts aside her voice, disinterested with the strife of a single human. With an expression of sheer desperation and anguish, she departs the world. Then everything becomes still. I am water, and that’s how the story goes, the story of the beast with no soul.

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