the door | Teen Ink

the door

August 17, 2016
By misswinterandsnow PLATINUM, Frederickburg, Virginia
misswinterandsnow PLATINUM, Frederickburg, Virginia
30 articles 1 photo 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"the only thing one man may do for the world is inspire others to change it.

The door is closed. The door will remain closed. The door will not open. The door will not open if you ask it to. The door will not open if you punch it until your hands bleed. The door does not care about you. The door thinks you are worthless. The door will never open for you.

Do not think about the door.

Door,more,floor,gore,lore,shore,summer, set,met,get,fix,licks,ticks,hicks,picks,pocket,lock it,bought it, bought, got,fought,lost,taught,words,and words and words,so many words.

he counted the number of tiles on the floor, 19. he counted them twice just to make sure. he briefly made a game out of trying to find out who made the metal bed. he couldn't, just like all the other times.he thought of every word he could think of with e as the third letter. Then it was e as the first letter. Then he tried to find the longest word he knew. his gaze shifted.

do not think about that door.

What is my favorite shade of orange? What is the best shade of blue? What is the prettiest eyes color? Try to remember what color yours are. Rate every color you can think of from best to worse. What is the best tasting color? What is your favorite fruit? List every fruit you can think of from worst to best. What is the best color for fruit to be? Name all the red fruits you can think of. List the way in which tomatos act like list they ways they act like fruits.

Think about all the food that has tomatoes in it. Salsa, pizza,spaghetti, salads,stuffed peppers,omelets sometimes. Just bit into a ripe tomato and let the juices drip down your cheek. You will probably never get to do that again. That’s a lie. That has to be a lie. They can’t just leave you in this place. Don’t think about that.

How long have I been here? I can’t tell anymore. I hate time. I want it to go away, he wanted it to end. That wasn’t possible.all things are possible. But that’s ok, it has to has to be. You’re hungry, maybe you should stop thinking about food. Stop thinking about water. Stop thinking about the door. Stop thinking about bruises. Stop thinking about pain. Don’t think about the door. Try and find something else to think about.

Count your fingers. Count your toes. Count the number of body parts you have now. Don’t think about that. Count from one to a thousand. Do it again. Do it again. Do it again. Count from one to negative one thousand. Do it again. Do it one more time. Try to fall asleep. Try again. Try one more time. he Realize that he can’t do that anymore. he wanted to cry, he couldn’t do that either. List everything you feel right now. Alone,tired,forgotten,depressed,pain,fear,worthless, pointless,greedy,bored,acceptance.Don’t think about that.

Let’s play a game instead. Sand, dog, get,tonight, tick, knight, tomorrow, wind, dance. E, what am I supposed to do with e?

You are running out of things to think about. Got any idea for things to think, no you do not. There has got to be other things you can list. Count to floor tiles. eighteen, divided that number by four. Multiply that by six and you get twenty-seven. Twenty-seven, that used to be a lucky number. Divide the number by three, do it again, do it again. One, divide that by three, do it again, he didn’t know how to divide it by three again. That’s ok, find something else to do. There isn’t anything else to do.

he couldn’t look away from the door.

he decided to bang his hands against the door until they started bleeding again. he kept going after he saw blood, after he got dizzy, after his vision continued to blurred, after everything blurred. he stopped after he couldn’t anymore. Eyes closing, too much red in the room, finally. But then he noticed.

They opened the door, Why did they open the door?

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