Teen written fiction in a variety of genres | Teen Ink


Most recently submitted Fiction

By Anonymous

 The robber enters the museum undetected. He looks to the left, no guards. He looks to the right, no guards. The robber enters a dark hallway. Still no gua...

By ajthewriter252 BRONZE
Columbus, North Carolina
ajthewriter252 BRONZE, Columbus, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Write like nobody is going to read it."

By amberz0501 BRONZE
Brisbane, Other
amberz0501 BRONZE, Brisbane, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments
By SummerRose GOLD
St. Paul, Minnesota
SummerRose GOLD, St. Paul, Minnesota
11 articles 4 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Supposing there was no intelligence behind the universe, no creative mind. In that case, nobody designed my brain for the purpose of thinking. It is merely that when the atoms inside my skull happen, for physical or chemical reasons, to arrange themselves in a certain way, this gives me, as a by-product, the sensation I call thought. But, if so, how can I trust my own thinking to be true? It's like upsetting a milk jug and hoping that the way it splashes itself will give you a map of London. But if I can't trust my own thinking, of course I can't trust the arguments leading to Atheism, and therefore have no reason to be an Atheist, or anything else. Unless I believe in God, I cannot believe in thought: so I can never use thought to disbelieve in God.”

By anaiahsingh GOLD
Dublin, California
anaiahsingh GOLD, Dublin, California
16 articles 1 photo 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"The pinnacle of life isn't when we achieve what we wanted but when we learn we can't always achieve what we've wanted."-me

By xarqirm PLATINUM
Louisville, Kentucky
xarqirm PLATINUM, Louisville, Kentucky
36 articles 4 photos 4 comments
By raincloud03 BRONZE
Gilbert, Arizona
raincloud03 BRONZE, Gilbert, Arizona
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"I've changed every part of me, until the puzzle pieces aren't me, at all" -jigsaw by conan gray

By Anonymous
By living-dead-girl-666 PLATINUM
Coffeyville, Kansas
living-dead-girl-666 PLATINUM, Coffeyville, Kansas
27 articles 1 photo 72 comments

Favorite Quote:
The roses are wilted<br /> The violets are dead<br /> The demons run circles<br /> Round and round inside my head

By julia-reed07 BRONZE
St. Petersburg, Florida
julia-reed07 BRONZE, St. Petersburg, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments