Miraculous Ladybug: Your Story | Teen Ink

Miraculous Ladybug: Your Story

January 2, 2022
By TessaDreamAuthor_3000 PLATINUM, Tomball, Texas
TessaDreamAuthor_3000 PLATINUM, Tomball, Texas
37 articles 2 photos 147 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain." - Dolly Parton
" Balance your life with spiritual experiences that remind and prepare you for continued, daily ministering to others." - M. Russell Ballard
"Love is expressed in a smile, a wave, a kind comment, a compliment." - Thomas S. Monson

This was if you were added to the miraculous show, and had your own special part, but not too special. Like you were an extra. Starting now:

“But M’Lady, the akuma?” cat Noir asked slyly.

Ladybug stared down at Liela’s necklace and smashed it on the ground revealing the dark winged butterfly inside. Ladybug whipped out her yo-yo, “Bye Bye little butterfly. MIRACULOUS LADYBUG!”

Cat Noir smiled while holding out his fist. Ladybug nodded and said, “Pound it.” while bumping her fist against his.

“Bugout!” Ladybug replied and swished off into the night.

Y/n sighed of relief finding out that no one had gotten hurt. Y/n had been waiting at the base of Marinette’s Family’s bakery when everything had changed back to normal. You had known Ladybug was Marinette and that Cat Noir was Adrien, but you had never had the guts to tell either one of them. Like themself, you also held a miraculous, unknown to any past miraculous holders and/or guardians. Only Master Fu had known about it. It was the miraculous of Hana, the flower and life kwami. With that power, you could spread and revive life in all things living. Before you could rethink the past in that moment, you heard the door to the bakery open, and the jingle of the bell.

“Y/n? What are you here for at this hour?” Sabine asked revealing her worried eyes, but still showing her youthful glow.

“I came to see Marinette. She invited me over for an Important study session. Would you mind if I stay the night as well, Mrs. Cheng?” You asked politely, and improvised on the spot.

Of course, Sabine couldn’t resist your charm, and invited you inside. You thanked her for her kindness and headed up the stairs carrying your gray Nike duffel bag behind you. You knocked quietly on Marinette’s bedroom hatch of a door, and heard a rustling sound in the room.

“Calm down, Marinette, it’s just me.” You said playfully, “Just wanted to let you know I was here.” You slowly opened the hatch to see Marinette, face in her knees, sitting on her couch in a pile of blankets.

You hear a soft sniffle and see Marinette’s dry mascara that had run down her cheeks.

“M-Marinette?” You asked. You closed the door quickly and rushed over to her side.

All though through the pain and misery she was feeling at the moment, Marinette still put on a half-smile and said, “Hey, Y/n”

You sighed and embraced Marinette in a hug. Before you could say anything more, Marinette started the talking.

“I just had a really rough day today…”

You nodded and rubbed her back.

“I know. But it’s okay. I’m here, and we can talk about it.” You already knew where this was going to end up, but you needed Marinette to get it out of her system first.

“T-That’s the thing, I can’t.”

You nod and reply, “But you can, Marinette.” You look her in the eyes and wait for her to say it.

“I just can’t anymore. If I tell you, you’ll go crazy, but if I don’t ILL go crazy!”

You nod and chuckle before whispering, “Just tell me already.”

Marinette nodded and took a deep sigh before saying, “I’m Ladybug.”

You smile and hug Marinette tightly, “I know. That’s what wanted to hear.”

Marinette is frozen solid. She didn’t expect you to answer so quickly, and unastonished. She let out a few more tears before unraveling herself from her blankets.

“W-What do you mean, you-u know, Y/n?” Marinette asked you cautiously. You plopped down beside her on her couch and started to reply.

“I’ve known from the beginning that you’re Ladybug. I just couldn’t find the right time to tell you or have you worry about your identity when I told you.” You explained. Marinette nodded slowly, and embraced you in a hug once again.

“You’re so thoughtful, Y/n.”

You smile and rub Marinette’s back.

“So, tell me what’s wrong.” You say once again, and break the hug so you could see Marinette’s face.

“Hawk Moth akumatixed Lila today, and I almost lost my nerve, AND my identity. Cat Noir could have caught me at any moment.  I-I don’t think I’m being a good Ladybug.”

Before Marinette could say any further, Tiki flew out of Marinette’s bag and started angry whispering, “Marinette, you are an amazing Ladybug! Stop beating yourself up about it! All Ladybugs’ go through hard times with their identity, and this is no different. But even if there was another Ladybug, I would rather be able to serve you, Marinette!”

Marinette smiled and rubbed her nose.

“Thanks, Tiki.” You say.

Marinette then looks at you confused.

“Y/n!” Tiki says and rushes over to you for a hug.

“Hey, Buggo.”

Tiki then stops the hug and gives you a playful glare, “Don’t.Call.Me.BUGGO!”

Tiki waves her arms angrily. You cover Tiki’s mouth before she could go any further.

Marinette laughs and then asks, “How do you know each other?”

You smile slyly, “I know a couple of the Kwami’s.” You actually knew all of them.

Marinette’s mouth dropped. “Wow, you know more than I thought you did. Anything else you know?”

You look at Tiki nervously and Tiki nodded.

“You would be a great support if you both knew, Y/n.” Tiki said.

Marinette just sat there waiting for an answer. You reached into your bag and pulled out your miraculous. They were brown gloves with buttons at the end to secure it to your wrist.

“Ready?” You asked.

Marinette nodded confusingly until you said these words.

“Hana, time to bloom!”

Your whole body engulfed in green and brown swirls and mist while you changed into your superhero form. Once the mist cleared, Marinette had her mouth while open.

“Y-You have a miraculous?!” Marinette asked astonished.

“Yep. I am not Y/n anymore. I am now Flowerbomb.” You hold up your needles from your bag on your hip. They both came with the costume. The needles were long and had a dull tip and a sharp tip. They could either be used for acupuncture or as a weapon.

Marinette examined your costume and weapons.

“Well, hello then, Flowerbomb.”

Marinette said playfully.

Your costume was basically a medival female archeress outfit. You have a green hood with a dress lined with gold strips. You had a belt wrapping around your waist keeping the dress secure. Short sleeves and your brown gloves weee all that covered your arms. On your feet you had knee-high brown boots and black tights to cover the rest of your visible skin on your legs.

You nod, smile, and say, “Hana, fall back.”

Your costume disintegrates into mist, and your kwami comes out of your gloves .

“This is Hana, also known by Flower.” You explained to Marinette.

“Tiki!” Hana exclaimed in her high girly voice.

“Hana!” Tiki exclaimed as well, and they embraced in a hug.

“It’s been so long, Tikki.” Hanna explained.

“Yes, it has.” Tiki replied.

Marinette was just staring at Tiki and Hana with googling eyes.

“So. Cute.” Marinette managed to say.

Hana was a kwami of a reindeer with a peach colored underside of her tummy, and dazzling green eyes that sparkled in the sunlight.

You plopped back down on Marinette’s couch while she wiped her eyes.

“Sorry, I’m a mess.” She said apologetically.

You waved it off like it was nothing, but also grabbed some tissues from your bag. You dabbed Marinette’s eyes and wiped off her dripped mascara.

Marinette smiles at you but then wrinkles her eyebrows. Her eyes trailed off to her circular window. Cat Noir was just about to knock when he saw Marinette looking at him. He waved embarrassingly. You turn to face the window and you are reminded you have to tell Cat Noir you are Flowerbomb as well. Before you did anything, you shooed the Kwamis away to hide. Hana took Tiki’s hand as they went inside Mairinette’s dollhouse contraption. You stand up to open the hatch while Marinette hides all evidence of her breakdown. But then you remember…you have to make it look like Marinette doesn’t know what a kwami is because Cat Noir AKA Adrien can’t know that she has a miraculous. You pause at the window for a brief second, and eliminate showing Cat Noir your secret identity. You open the hatch and smile as if you had nothing planned.

“Come on in, Chat.” You say playfully but politely at the same time. He gives you a warm smile before his eyes trailed to meet Marinette’s. She tried to hide all emotional evidence that she was upset so Chat wouldn’t ask why.

“Marinette? Are you okay?” Chat asked anyways. You close the window door and face palm yourself. Sometimes, Chat was so blind, yet so secret seeking! It pained you to have all of these secrets between one another. You locked the window hatch and walk to stand close to Marinette in case of a tragedy.

“I’m alright, Chat. All good things…” Marinette said and plastered one of her fake smiles on her face. Chat walked towards Marinette and embraced her in a hug. Marinette buried her head in his shoulder while Chat stroked her hair. You smile seeing the connection between them. You then sneak upstairs to Marinette’s balcony so that Chat and Mari could talk together. They both have a stronger bond than you do with either one of them, but you intend to make your bonds stronger. Akumas are coming in bigger swarms with the temptating powers multiplied by two! Hawk Moth was growing stronger from defeat, and figuring out ways to outsmart LadyBug and Cat Noir. You think for a moment before quietly heading down the ladder from Marinette’s balcony, to grab your gray Nike bag. Marinette noticed you turning to leave, and she nodded her head goodbye. Cat Noir also gave you a wave goodbye. You slip down the second ladder to the downstairs and sigh. This is going to be more difficult than you thought. Marinette might need some time to figure out a couple things with and without Cat Noir, and maybe you shouldn’t interfere. You feel defeated and unable to help anyone at the moment. You then hear Hana whoosh from behind you, and she hops into your Nike bag’s pocket, so you could still see each other. You were about to leave the Cheng’s house when Sabine tapped on your shoulder. You quickly zipped up the pocket with Hana inside with the brief 5 seconds you had to do so.

“If you’re leaving already, take these. Maybe you would like them.” Sabine said kindly holding out a box of your favorite macaroons, Raspberry Crumble. You smile warmly and take the box from Sabine.

“Thank you Mrs. Cheng. You’re always so sweet.” You say and hug her. You then wave goodbye and exit through the front door. The air was humid and thick with moisture from the rain earlier that day. The stars shone out from the blackened midnight sky, and the moon gleamed through the wisps of clouds. Few cars were on the roads since it was midnight, but it was still busy enough that you had to watch where you were going. You walked down the street, past your school, and into a small apartment complex. You walked past the apartment complex and stopped at the front door of Master Fu’s small dojo/house, hand extended towards the doorknob. This is where reality had finally caught up with your memory. You remember, you have no family. No mom, no dad. They abandoned you at the side of the street, and that was when Master Fu had found you. He had taken care of you since you were a baby, and had always wanted to let you have the privilege to own a miraculous. You had gotten your first miraculous on your thirteenth birthday, because Master Fu trusted you so much. Despite how different you were in many ways, he treated you like his own. He doesn’t remember you anymore since he adopted you when he was the guardian, but now Marinette is the guardian, and therefore Master Fu does not remember those cherished memories you keep in your mind. He is still getting used to his life with his one and only love, and today was the day you were moving out. You made up a lie saying that your real parents came to pick you up, and gave their greatest thanks to Master Fu, but their deepest apologies that they could not meet him. Master Fu agreed with your imaginary parents and was going to let you move out. Even though you knew your own parents were long gone, you couldn’t bare to live with the man who raised you, and who no longer remembered you. It was a pain to remember all of those burdens and troubles that were weighing on your shoulders, it was easy to give into the darkness that was so tempting, but you bared through it and remembered the cost. Instead, you didn’t alert Master Fu that you were leaving and just grabbed your luggage and left. You deleted his contact from your phone, and picked up a taxi to Adrien’s house. He should be home by now, for it was Midnight, and you know for a fact that he had just gotten home. You just saw him use his pole to go into his bedroom window. You payed the taxi driver and hid your stuff behind a dumpster behind Adrien’s house.

“Hana, time to bloom…” you said quietly, and green and brown swirls engulfed you when you put on your miraculous. You jumped up into Adrien’s window and saw Adrien talking to Plagg. Plagg took notice of you and smiled with his little crooked smile.

“Heyyy Flowerbomb. Do you have the Camembert?” Plagg asked and rubbed his small hands together greedily.

“Not today, Plagg.” You say. At the sound of your voice, Adrien turned around and his face switched from confusion, to surprise.

You smile and wave at Adrien, “Hey Adrien.” Your plan was to let this off easy, like you did with Marinette, but opposite. Adrien might be a  little more hesitant since you showed up in your costume first. But even so, Gabriel Agreste would have never let you in his house on purpose, so you had to result to Flowerbomb. You jumped down from the windowsill and plopped down on his couch. Adrien looked at you hesitantly. You patted the seat next to you and he slowly sat down, but a couple inches away from where you sat. You sat up straighter realizing this would be the moment you had to talk.

“So, why are you here Flowerbomb?” Adrien asked cautiously.

You smiled and said, “I figured I could help Chat Noir and Ladybug easier if they knew my identity first. Then, we could discuss ways to prevent akuma attacks, and help figure out who Hawk Moth’s identity is. I have not spoken to Ladybug yet, but I will tomorrow.” You left out the part where you actually DID tell Ladybug, but then Adrien would get curious because you left Marinette’s house later when he arrived. He could put three pieces together and figure out Marinette’s secret that she has been hiding, and it would be all your fault…

So, you lied. Best way to make it up.

Adrien looked at you with wide eyes.

“Chat Noir? How do you know?” Adrien asked a little panicked.

You smile and say, “I know everyone’s identities. Let’s just say, I knew Master Fu for a long time.”

“So lemme get this straight. You’re gonna show me? Just like that? I don’t even know you… or we’ll maybe I do… depends on what your identity is… nino?”

You half smirked and half looked surprised, “Boy, do I LOOK like Nino? First of all, I DON’T got a boys bod. SECOND if I was Nino, I would have told you I was Flowerbomb already. ANYWAYS that was off topic.” You stand up and toss Plagg a bag of Camembert while you’re at it. Plagg widens his smile and yes the cheese whole.

“That was good…But I wanted to SAVOR IT!” Plagg pouted and slumped down on the couch beside Adrien. You snicker and then say, “Hana, fall back.” Green and brown swirls engulf you once more as Hana pops out of your gloves and your costume disintegrates. You pop off your gloves and tuck them in your pocket.

“Y/n?!” Adrien asks surprisingly.

You drop your smile for a split second, wondering if he was disappointed, but then smiled once again to hide your embarrassment.

“Yep.” You say and pop your mouth on the ‘p’ for emphasis. Adrien is just sitting there on his couch awestruck. Then he thinks for a moment.

“Wait, so you’ve been here, as Flowerbomb, and have known about Ladybug’s and my identities this whole time?!” Adrien tried to understand.

You nodded before seeing a glimmering purple butterfly, and a voice whispering from it, dark and evil. Before you could realize who it was going to, it had akumatized your earring. You had a chain earring from the tip of your ear running all the way down to the bottom. You unclipped your miraculous gloves and threw them to Adrien before Hawk Moth’s voice consumed all you heard.

“Y/n, it’s getting hard to know what to say these days, who to trust, and what to see. Just because I am Hawk Moth, doesn’t mean that I am the enemy.” Hawk Moth’s voice said from the mask hovering in front of your face. You were straining to not listen, to not give in, but you could see Adrien transform in Chat Noir right in front of you. This gave you a boost of energy to show that he trusted you. You fought back harder with Hawk Moth, while Chat Noir poised to destroy your earring once you transform into your villain form.

“You are the enemy, Hawk Moth. You are who EVERYONE is against. I would never give in to your powers. I would never want to use your temptations FOR ANYTHING!” You screamed into the mask while holding your hands by your ears trying to block out the voice.

“Oh, but what about Master Fu? Or should I say, Papa Fu?”

Your eyes lost all controlling emotion, and filled with fear. Your knees became weak as you dropped to the ground. You struggled for what seemed like forever, debating what you should do, and what you had to do.

“I can give you the power to turn back time. The power for you to live in an alternate dimension where Papa Fu could take care of you and not forget about his precious little Y/n. All you have to do is retrieve Ladybug and Chag Noir’s miracu-“

“NO!!!” You screamed and through tears streaming down your face.


“Ah, but that’s the problem.” Hawk Moth whispered as purple and black bubbles consumed you, “You already have.”

Before you could say anymore, you saw Ladybug swoop into Chat’s window, with desperate eyes. Tears were beginning to form as she witnessed the horror that was consuming you. She swiped at your earrings a with her yo-yo as they were yanked out of your ears and ripped your piercing, along with your ear. Before the akuma’s powers could finish transforming you, Ladybug had destroyed your earring, and made the akuma a beautiful glowing butterfly once again. You heard the remnants of Hawk Moth’s angered screams echo through your head as Ladybug shook you away from all previous drastic thoughts. You blinked away the purple and black specs from your vision, and clearly saw Ladybug and Chat Noir crouching beside you. Ladybug was using tissues to wipe away your tears while Chat Noir was holding your miraculous, stunned of everything that had just happened.

You stayed silent while Ladybug frantically asked if you were okay. Instead of replying, you just nodded while another tear escaped your eye. You quickly tried to blink it away, but it streamed down your cheek. Ladybug wiped it away with the already drenched tissue. You were traumatized. You had never been taken over by Hawk Moth before because of all of the protection barriers Master Fu put up around the apartment/dojo you lived in together. And now, you were useless, and you couldn’t even protect yourself. Ladybug had to come and save you from yourself and Hawk Moth. Ladybug then stiffened up and tried to hide that she knew you were Flowerbomb, since you were ‘going to tell her tommorow’. Hiding all extra emotion was hard for Marinette, so instead of staying, she hugged you goodnight and yo-yo-ed off into the night. You stood up cautiously as Adrien hugged you as well with a tight embrace.

You finally had the energy to speak again, “That didn’t go exactly how I planned it to.” You said and then chuckled. You felt Adrien’s laugh through your hug as he let go and handed you your miraculous, “You know, it’s hard for someone to resist the temptations of Hawk Moth. You struggled for ten minutes before Ladybug came to save you. That’s the longest anyone has ever lasted. You are a true survivor, Y/n, and no one has ever had the same strength as you before. I just hope you could come along and fight with Ladybug and I along Paris another time.”

Chat Noir winked before saying ‘Plagg, claws out.’

You smiled and transformed into Flowerbomb once more. You said your goodbyes and headed out through the window. The breeze of the cold night air brushed against your skin.

Under all circumstances, Hawk Moth had taken control of you, and you shouldn’t be called a hero for that. You tried to convince yourself that it was hopeless before another akuma came to akumatize you once more. Before it reached your gloves, you snatched it, and purified it.

“Bye bye little Butterfly…” you said sadly as it flew off into the night, and you glided by its side jumping to get to your luggage.

This was going to be harder than you thought.

The author's comments:

A friend challenged me to write a story about Miraculous, therefore, I present to you, THE FINISHED PRODUCT!!! I hope you enjoy!

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This article has 5 comments.

on Mar. 1 2022 at 11:05 pm
Ela2611 PLATINUM, Vancouver, Columbia
43 articles 30 photos 39 comments

Favorite Quote:
Give the ones you love , the wings to fly roots to come by and reasons to stay …….

You're welcome , @Tessa_DreamAuthor3.

on Mar. 1 2022 at 11:08 am
TessaDreamAuthor_3000 PLATINUM, Tomball, Texas
37 articles 2 photos 147 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain." - Dolly Parton
" Balance your life with spiritual experiences that remind and prepare you for continued, daily ministering to others." - M. Russell Ballard
"Love is expressed in a smile, a wave, a kind comment, a compliment." - Thomas S. Monson

@Ela2611 Thank you!

on Mar. 1 2022 at 12:45 am
Ela2611 PLATINUM, Vancouver, Columbia
43 articles 30 photos 39 comments

Favorite Quote:
Give the ones you love , the wings to fly roots to come by and reasons to stay …….

Wow @Tessa_DreamAuthor3 ! I am a huge fan of miraculous ladybug ! Great work on this story. I too @Afra , are eagerly waiting for season four's last episode. But I seriously could not recognize Juleka in the tiger Miraculous. At first my guesses were either Miss Bustier or Mylene , but finally I realized both Juleka got the tiger miraculous and her best friend Rose got the pig miraculous.

on Feb. 28 2022 at 9:56 pm
TessaDreamAuthor_3000 PLATINUM, Tomball, Texas
37 articles 2 photos 147 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain." - Dolly Parton
" Balance your life with spiritual experiences that remind and prepare you for continued, daily ministering to others." - M. Russell Ballard
"Love is expressed in a smile, a wave, a kind comment, a compliment." - Thomas S. Monson

I love Miraculous as well! Glad I found another Miraculous fan!

Afra ELITE said...
on Feb. 26 2022 at 12:52 am
Afra ELITE, Kandy, Other
103 articles 7 photos 1824 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A writer must never be short of ideas."
-Gabriel Agreste- (Fictional character- Miraculous)

The story line is so beautiful...I really enjoyed reading it...Nice work!!!
Miraculous is one of my all time favourite shows...I really love it and I'm eagerly waiting for the final episode of season 4 'Shadow moth's final attack' and also for the movie...