Scooter Wars | Teen Ink

Scooter Wars

November 18, 2014
By DFN4LIFESAAAN BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
DFN4LIFESAAAN BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
A true man is one who bulds a firm foundation with the bricks outers have thrown at them.

“Man you fell hard as a rock.”

“That was all on you bro.”
“Do you want to race?”
“Just get ready to lose.”
We ran to the tallest hill in the park, “3 2 1 GO!”

We shot down the hill, wind in our hair. We got to the first hill and I grinded, he did a 360. Man I wish I did that, grinding slowed me down.  We landed turning into the next slope. I was winning! Well spoke to soon. He shot by doing a 360. He beat me! I swear if he starts hat victory dance. He is doing that victory dance. I hate that victory dance! I know I am better than him. How do I show hem?
“You think you can beat me in a stunt war?”
“I know I can!”
“Bring It!”
We looked at each other and bolted for a huge hill. I do not remember this hill being this tall.  We lined up. I bolted down the hill, hit the ramp and did a flip while doing a 360 tailwhip. That shut Noah right up.
“Hey Noah top that!”
“I will.”
He came down I could tell this was war. He jumped, I got the blinding shane from his wheel. CRASH. He landed.“Dude, how did you do that.”
“I just went with my gut.” Truly I did not know how I did that flip.
“You should try.”
“Easy as a 180 spin.” He lied.
He got to the top of a steep hill and went down. I could hear his wheels come off the black ramp, over the ramp and back onto the ramp. Noah went up the next hill, steel ramp gard flexing, glare from his wheels in my eyes.
Crash! he landed pretty good onto the ramp.

“Hey way to go. You know you could blind a person with those new chrome wheels”.  
“Ya. I take pride in my scooter”.
I looked and ran for a ramp.
“Yo hold up”.
We met at the top and  we counted down from three and went at the same time. I could feel the fall breeze flow through my hair.

It all went well till I fell and bumped Noah. I could not tell if he was hurt till he got up and ran over. He had jumped off his scooter to stay safe. I blamed Noah and we giggled.

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