Romance stories written by teens | Teen Ink


Most discussed Romance Articles

By JulesHenry PLATINUM
Manchester, Other

Watching. I had always watched, from a distance anyway. Now I was watching Lilly, she was putting their child to rest. Little Jamie. He was like his father, strong, brave, loving,...
JulesHenry PLATINUM, Manchester, Other
29 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Tears you may cry....but you shall no drown, so dry off and laugh once more."

By Anonymous
Queen-of-Sarcasum13 DIAMOND, South Bellmore, New York
63 articles 0 photos 19 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Dance like no one's watching.Sing like no one's listening.Love like you've never been hurt. Live like its heaven on earth." -Mark Twain

By DinosoarJen DIAMOND
Scottsville, New York
DinosoarJen DIAMOND, Scottsville, New York
86 articles 0 photos 82 comments

Favorite Quote:
Just another casualty.<br /> It&#039;s sad but true.<br /> And even dead I&#039;m still ahead<br /> of most of you.

By Anonymous
By weebnini DIAMOND
San Diego, California
weebnini DIAMOND, San Diego, California
55 articles 3 photos 164 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Done &amp; Over&quot;<br /> <br /> &quot;Anyone can give up, it&#039;s the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that&#039;s true strength.&quot;<br /> <br /> &quot;People should be able to say how they feel. How they really feel. Not, you know, some words that some strangers put in their mouth.&quot;

By badlands SILVER
Kerrville, Texas
badlands SILVER, Kerrville, Texas
9 articles 1 photo 2 comments
By SilverLining BRONZE
Jacksonville, Florida
SilverLining BRONZE, Jacksonville, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 2 comments
By Inkhaven09 SILVER
Manila, Other
Inkhaven09 SILVER, Manila, Other
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Our brains are much too small for us to force God and all His being to squeeze into it.&quot; --me

By ReneetheGreat PLATINUM
Castle Rock, Colorado
ReneetheGreat PLATINUM, Castle Rock, Colorado
28 articles 3 photos 85 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Strength does not come from physical capacity, but from an indomitable will.&quot;