Romance stories written by teens | Teen Ink


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Brisbane, Other

I look into your eyes, I feel guilty yet innocent, i feel young and naive, yet old and wise. I look into your eyes and for one moment we communicate, a sheer accident. We havn'...
DylanL BRONZE, Brisbane, Other
4 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
What can Make you, can also break you.

Odessa_Sterling00 DIAMOND, No, Missouri
87 articles 108 photos 966 comments

Favorite Quote:
All gave some, some gave all. -War Veterans headstone.

By Anonymous
o5angelique21 BRONZE, Cumberland, Rhode Island
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;If today was your last day, and tomorrow was too late, could you say goodbye to yesterday?&quot;<br /> If today was your last day, Nickelback

By aDreamer GOLD
Redondo Beach, California
aDreamer GOLD, Redondo Beach, California
13 articles 8 photos 31 comments

Favorite Quote:
everyone is entitled to be stupid, but some abuse the privilege<br /> <br /> the pursuit of happiness is a most ridiculous notion, if you pursue happiness you&#039;ll never find it<br /> <br /> a hero is no braver than an ordinary man, but he is braver for 5 minutes longer

By Annmarie11_12_13 ELITE
Paramus, New Jersey
Annmarie11_12_13 ELITE, Paramus, New Jersey
109 articles 0 photos 54 comments
By CrazyWriter GOLD
Lorton Station, Virginia
CrazyWriter GOLD, Lorton Station, Virginia
16 articles 2 photos 102 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Once you have given up on the most important thing in your life, you begin to die, because then, you gradually lose your true self&quot;~Hana Kimi<br /> &quot;Someone who can lie to themself. . . is lonely, and in pain&quot;~Hana Kimi

San Ramon, California
Kafyra PLATINUM, San Ramon, California
32 articles 0 photos 12 comments
TurabianKnight BRONZE, Bronx, New York
4 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.&quot; -- Ben Franklin

Lonely_Lunatic SILVER, Manassas, Virginia
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
&quot;People are going to want you, need you, eceed you, take you, love you, hate you, play you, rate you, save you, break you, but in the end that&#039;s what makes you.&quot;