Romance stories written by teens | Teen Ink


Top voted Romance Articles

#3961voted by our readers
By savetheplanet PLATINUM
Anaheim, California

I shift slightly, trying to stretch my stiff limbs without moving too much. But the small movement does not escape his notice. “Stay still!” Pedro commands. His eyebrows are...
savetheplanet PLATINUM, Anaheim, California
45 articles 9 photos 564 comments

Favorite Quote:
It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.

#3962 Fiction
Drama_Queen13 DIAMOND, Nantucket, Massachusetts
51 articles 0 photos 108 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Live Life Like A Song."

#3963 Fiction
By DaisyMorgan BRONZE
Oakhurst, California
DaisyMorgan BRONZE, Oakhurst, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments
lavannnyaa PLATINUM, Agra, Other
49 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
All we need to do is find someone who tells us that we're worth fighting for.

#3965 Fiction
By enilorac12 PLATINUM
Encino, California
enilorac12 PLATINUM, Encino, California
22 articles 0 photos 0 comments
#3966 Fiction
By candlelightwriter GOLD
Kirksville, Missouri
candlelightwriter GOLD, Kirksville, Missouri
16 articles 0 photos 44 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Secretly we're all a little more absurd than we make ourselves out to be"-- J.K. Rowling.

#3967 Fiction
Basketball4everr GOLD, Smithtown, New York
11 articles 0 photos 40 comments
#3968 Fiction
By AndSoItGoes01 SILVER
Reno, Nevada
AndSoItGoes01 SILVER, Reno, Nevada
9 articles 0 photos 147 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The winter I told you icicles are magic, you stole an enormous icicle from my neighbors shingle, and gave it to me as a gift, I kept it in my freezer for seven months. Love isn't always magic, sometimes it's melting." -Andrea Gibson

#3969 Fiction
By Turtle_Princess GOLD
Hopkinsville, Kentucky
Turtle_Princess GOLD, Hopkinsville, Kentucky
15 articles 4 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
"write from your heart, write from your soul, make the best of your talent and never let go. not for anything"

#3970 Fiction
twizzlerhero SILVER, Anchorage, Alaska
7 articles 0 photos 11 comments

Favorite Quote:
"He gave her 12 roses 11 were real 1 was fake he told her he would love her till the last one dies" -?