What is different about me? | Teen Ink

What is different about me?

April 30, 2024
By Anonymous

I don’t like where I have ended up in my life, for starters it's way too hot outside and it feels like I am constantly sweating whenever I leave my home to go anywhere, it feels like I constantly need to cut my hair in order to not feel like I am in an oven constantly. The weather also changes too much, like one day I go outside and it looks like it is going to be a great day, but then I get just a little bit down the street and it starts raining so hard that I can’t even see my hand in front of my face, just what kind of place has weather like that? 

Another thing that I dislike about this place are the people, they are everywhere and they always stare at me when I am in town. Did no one tell them that staring is rude? I don’t understand what is so interesting about me to them, we all act the same way and all look alike when we are dressed in public. Maybe it is the fact that I don't know how to drive that attracts attention, it is not that I couldn't learn if I really tried. I just don't see the point of learning to drive when walking is much more fun. But usually when I attract the most attention is inside of buildings where no one is driving around, so what is causing this attention to me?

 If it's not my dressing style or my lack of a car, what is it that sets me apart from other people? Could it be my height, I have been called very tall in the past, or perhaps it is my extra long fingers, or it might even be my above average amount of hair, or a million other things that are different about me. I thought that at least some change in these humans was natural, but apparently this disguise is not good enough.

If only these humans had a less confusing social structure, it would have been much easier for my pod to have integrated seamlessly and cause panic from within, but now we need to find some way off of this stupid planet before anything else goes wrong. I just hope that I am not the last one, someone must finish the mission.

The author's comments:

This piece was written for my independent writing project for my English class, and though I know that I am not the best writer by far, I feel good having my writing out in the world.

Considered adding discrimination tag because of how the story is presented, but I don't feel that it really fits the story.

Happy reading!

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