The Nefarious Night | Teen Ink

The Nefarious Night

March 13, 2016
By Aver78 GOLD, Fontana, California
Aver78 GOLD, Fontana, California
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Of all the stories of leader Zion the one of the old man, Nickolas, and their nefarious night has to be the most shocking. Listen as I tell you one of the happenings that make even the most hardened of traitors tremble when recited.

The darkened night sky raged on. From its mouth it poured down a terrible wave of acidic rain. In the middle of the chaos sat two individuals: one old, one young, both underneath a tent. The insistent pitter-patter of the acidic rain, while formidable against most objects, did little to nothing against their spell bound tent. They were safe from the elements, entirely safe, but as the hours piled onward the younger began to grow restless. He shifted about and frequently complained about their situation.

“Zion… Why does he want us dead? How does he know about our actions with the enemy faction? Tell me old man! Tell me so I will have the time to run if he finds our life force! We are friends are we not?” The young man screamed.

Annoyed the old man replied his usual answer, “Nickolas, Zion is and always will be an evil man.”

Sitting on his bench Nickolas frowned, this clearly wasn’t the answer that he was looking for. This unhappiness didn’t bother the old man however; as he studied his young friend’s features in the darkness he couldn’t help but hold on to his secrets. The time was not yet right, and Nickolas was not one to understand the complexity of Zion. Zion the man, the monster, he hears all, he sees all, and he controls the land, for he is invincible. Or at least that’s what legend said.

Crack a distant lightning strike illuminated the darkened tent. The old man took nothing of this until another crack sent chills down his spine! Again the lightning had struck! Without hesitation he kicked Nickolas from his seat and sprawled on the floor.

“Be calm. Do not move.” He mouthed to Nickolas.

He sensed a familiar presence, Crack, Crack, Crack!!! The lightning was drawing increasingly close to the tent now.

Nickolas laid still, fixated in fear, not knowing if the brunt of death lay near.

Boom! The ground began to shake now. Rocking back and forth the old man mumbled under his breath. With a sudden rush there was silence. The world stood still and all that remained of their previous problems was the rain.

Still laying down the old man stared his young friend in the eye and mouthed, “I have hidden our life forces. This should slow him down.”

Boom! Crack, Crack, Crack!!! Pitter-patter!! BOOM! The ground shook, the rain grew stronger, and the lightning closer.

“By the Gods!” Nickolas screamed, “He has found us! Zion!??? He will kill us! What have we done!? He will have our heads!”

In almost a knee jerk reaction the old man sprung to his feet. Cursing to himself he forced Nickolas to his feet as well. He had been a fool to think that a simple spell like that would have prevented them from being found.

With death upon them now, he remained defiant. Thoughts racing violently, he quickly began scanning their living courters for anything that could help. Finally his darting eyes landed on two pairs of armor they had brought with them in their flight from the village.

“Quickly Nickolas put on the armor!” But to the Oldman’s surprise Nickolas did not move. Instead he stood there frozen seemingly accepting his fate.

Completely shocked the old man exclaimed, “You would rather die?!!!”

But nothing happened Nickolas stood motionless, still looking as if he had given up hope on life. His usual willingness now replaced with a petrified fear. Looking into his eyes the old man saw those of someone who had seen death long before it should naturally come.

Knowing time was fleeting, the old man scrambled quickly shoving on the gear. Finally donning on the silver helmet he addressed his young friend in a frantic plea, “Nickolas put on the armor! Zion will not have your life today if you put it on. Would you rather die?”

“We will… us both. No hope.” Nickolas replied. His eyes bore an almost glazed over look to them as he stood gazing outside at the distant surrounding forest, “We will…”

“I will not! Zion will not kill me. Not tonight! No...I fear no man! He is no God. The legends are words Nickolas! He is no conqueror! This is the weather. He cannot control the earth! He is no dragon!”

“Talmud,” A foreign voice interjected.

The old man looked around and to his surprise he saw no one but Nickolas. He had never told Nickolas his name though. Maybe in all his fear he was hearing things.

“You are surprised Talmud?” the old man stood still. It was Nickolas! But it couldn’t be him. That was not his voice that had spoken!

“You foolish old man,” Nickolas spoke in a cold foreign voice, “You should have believed the legends. You were a fool to go against me. My power is unlimited!”

With a sudden rush the body of Nickolas jerked violently, then with a loud snap shot into the sky ripping the fortified tent from its bearings on the ground.

Thrown into the air as well, Talmud frantically jumped out of the flying tent onto the earth below. Immediately upon impact he knew he had broken something. Taking his next step, his suspicions were all but verified as he heard and felt a large pop. Giving up the hope of fleeing he turned his attention to the sky, looking up to see what had become of his friend. His eyes widen with terror as they were treated to the gruesome scene of lightning crashing against the rising tent, destroying it on contact.

The rain had grown stronger and even though his armor was doing its best to shield him from its burning teeth, it seemed like only seconds had passed until his skin had started to feel a deep burning sensation. Breathing heavily he decided against his initial stance of not fleeing and decided to make a run for it. Running into forest he dashed onward not caring if he had broken both of his feet. The only thing on his mind now was survival.

Pounding onward he ran until his lungs screamed inside his chest and he could bear no more. Exhausted, he doubled over, with his hands on his knees, desperately trying to catch his breath.

Upon rising to take up stride, he was hit with a disorienting wave of nausea.

Boom!!! The ground split apart leaving only the ground beneath him intact. Crack, Crack, Crack!!! Lightning engulfed the remaining forest leaving in its wake nothing but flames. The acid rain suddenly fell even harder and seemed to fan the flames, urging them to grow a tremendous size.

“Zion!” Talmud yelled, “Fight me as a man! In your human form! Give me the honor to die in battle!”

His call was met with nothing.

“Zion! You are a coward then!”

Upon saying this a grinding pain almost instantaneously shot throughout his entire head. Screaming in pain he yelled, “Stop!”

The cold voice returned but this time it felt like it was inside of him, “I am not a coward. Hahaha, you are the one in agony.”

Fighting through the pain Talmud yelled, “You will not kill me! The information I have shared with the enemy will live on! I will not die by your hands! My actions will leave me remembered!”

“Remembered? The enemy? There is none strong enough to stand against me,” the voice in his head cackled now, “You’re not worth my physical form… You will die by my influence!”

Crack, Crack, Crack, Crack!!!!

In an instant the old man once known as Talmud was no more and the nefarious night of Zion’s rage had come to an end. Talmud’s betrayal of the leader led to his downfall. Let it be known to all, that the enemy of Zion is fleeting and all who stand against will insure that their lives are doomed to a hastened end.

The author's comments:

The Nefarious Night! 

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