Why...? | Teen Ink


February 27, 2013
By Anonymous

It all started when I was a boy. The nightmares and hauntings. The constant feeling of being watched. I didn’t mind it until I realized the truth.
It is February 29th, 1896. My name is Michael Cooper. I am writing this journal on behalf of these ‘paranormal experiences’ I have. I do realize it’s a force greater than ours yet I have not figured it out. I know I should’ve already; I am one of the most famous scientist and I realize that doesn’t mean much but I do study parapsychology so I shouldn’t have any troubles defining what all of it means and I do so none of this makes any sense! I needn’t keep Alicia busy I need to go now. But I shall be back, that you can remember.
It all started when I was a boy; I remember being watched by… things, seeing shadows, nightmares reoccurring every night, hearing things, and the thing I will never forget is the day I saw it. I saw a Ghost manifest on my 9th birthday. It looked strange, lurking around. I can swear on my father’s grave that thing was trying to get me to follow him somewhere. I am glad I choose not to. If I did I wonder if I would be alive today, is there a chance that ghost wanted to murder me? But why? Am I that important? Could I be on the verge of a new discovery? What was it!? Am I going mad with my past? I need to know before I pass away. Alicia thinks I am crazy, my friends the same. But how can I be sure it was an actual Ghost? These are the questions I live to answer, at least I hope so.
I am taking Alicia to a dance in London today, she wanted to go for our anniversary but I need to go to talk to Dr.Swertz. He is my hero, a leader, a man with ideas far beyond this our time. He should know what I am dealing with. I must leave now!
Notes From Dr.Swertz:

It’s not normal. Well why would it be?

I should be scared. I am!

If it manifested that early, it will be back.

I’m definitely not the only one.

He is waning proof. I will give him proof, but how the hell will I show him what happened as a kid?

Don’t sleep until I do know what it is.

I am possibly going insane.
It has been 2 days since I’ve talked to Dr.Swertz. He has no idea what I am dealing with! No sleep for two days?! I am going madder by the second. If I don’t find out what is going on soon I will.. I will… What will I do? Is there a chance going insane would help me? I need help. I need more then help. Can dying help me in trying to find out what is happening? What if being dead helps me finding out who or what is trying to reach me from the other side? Are they in Heaven? Are they in Hell? I need to know. I need it more then I need it. I am the most desperate man on Earth.

The author's comments:
Here you go! More? Less? It has changed a lot so dont get mad! I hope you like it.

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