Stop Bullying | Teen Ink

Stop Bullying

October 22, 2014
By Alonge GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
Alonge GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I think people are just too sensitive. If having people calling you names is the worst thing you go through daily, then your life is easy. Other people have it much worse, like people living in poverty, or kids who have to survive on their own with no help. So stop feeling sorry for yourself and realize if these problems are little compared to others. If people make fun of you, ignore it and keep doing you. Block out all the outside noise and focus on yourself and your goals.  It’s not that hard.

It bothers me that people make such a big deal over being bullied. Why does it matter if someone makes fun of you? It doesnt! If you have something to say back to them, say it. Or if they say a joke about you, smile and laugh at it. They might be messing with you and you could end up being friends. But if they obviously do it to be mean, still smile and laugh. This shows your “bully” they did not affect, which could make them stop.

If it’s physical violence type of bullying, there is a way to stop that too. You can fight back. If you win, that will stop it right there. If you lose, start training and working out then next time you'll win. If you never have a chance at winning or if people gang up on you, get some help. Either get your own group of friends to help you out, or tell someone with authority. If it gets to the point where you're getting beaten often, you should get the police involved.

Honestly, though, don't let the little name calling, rude insults, or rumors get to you. You just keep doing you and be happy that those are your problems in life. There are people in the world that suffer way more than you and they still get through the day. So if you think you have it tough and you start questioning your own life, Stop! Think about your future and what you have to live for. Elementary through high school are 16 you’ll forget about when your older anyway. So just be happy you've been blessed with life.

I personally think bullying isn't an issue. I know it happens but it’s not that hard to stop. Just handle your problems and don't wait on someone to help you. Other people have it harder so stop complaining. You have a lot more to live for.

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