Response to "How Standardized Tests Ruin Education" | Teen Ink

Response to "How Standardized Tests Ruin Education"

March 3, 2014
By Ace2esp SILVER, Defiance, OH 43512, Ohio
Ace2esp SILVER, Defiance, OH 43512, Ohio
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In her article about standardized testing and the modern school system, Annika R. speaks of how a numerically based grading system that is accompanied with little motivation to learn is utterly ineffective as a means of education. She later compares students in the school system to pencils only being sharpened to meet the same purpose and be the same. She later says it ruins a student's creativity and will to learn. Her opinion seems accurate, but these methods she speaks of are generally hard to enact. This often requires more effort from teachers who are already overburdened and from students who don't want to learn anyway.

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