Shattered | Teen Ink


December 4, 2014
By MahoganyGotChoBack BRONZE, Glendale,, Arizona
MahoganyGotChoBack BRONZE, Glendale,, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In the article "Shattered" I can relate to Jill Goldman when she wrote about losing her grandma. Though she experienced all five stages of grief I only went through three of them. I feel that Jill and I can really relate to one another the most when she said "when I went back to school everything pissed me off!". when I had to go back to school the smallest things would get me upset. This article brings back many memories of my grandma and what I went through after she was gone. Thank you Jill for allowing me to be able to look back and reflect on myself and how much my grandma really meant to me. 

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