Proud to be an American | Teen Ink

Proud to be an American

November 7, 2014
By Alonge GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
Alonge GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Started with a dollar now i got a couple mill, and i make a hundred thousand every time a brother spill”.These are lyrics from Meek Mill. They describe how he started out broke but now hes rich from rapping.

I’m proud to be an American because of rap music. Rap is sometimes controversial but I think it can show why America is great. A lot of lyrics from the rappers talk about how they started from nothing and still made it big in America; Also, it shows diversity in America because of the way different areas in the U.S have different ways of rap.

Even though rap can be inappropriate, it can describe America well. Rappers like Meek Mill, T.I., Tupac,  and almost all others started from nothing. They sold drugs to survive, and only could wish to live past 20. But because they worked hard and grinded, as they say in their songs, they are now rich and living the dream.  This is what describes America to me. Anyone can make it big here. No matter what you start from you have an opportunity here. The only person stopping you from making it is yourself.

Another way rap describes America is the way its diverse. East coast rap and west coast rap are different. Southern rap and midwest rap are different. Its not all one thing. This is like everything in the U.S. There is so much diversity in this country and we’re okay with it. Just like rap music.

Rap music is an image of America. Most rappers started in struggle and bad situations and then made it big and became rich. The U.S. also started out in a struggle and is now the best country in the world. Also the diversity of rap is much like the diversity of America. Rap music is very entertaining and it helps show why the U.S. is great. Rap music is why im proud to be an American.

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