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Pride & Prejudice

Most recently submitted Pride & Prejudice Articles

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Moore, Oklahoma

Dear Dr. King, I know this is kind of weird writing to you because, well, you're dead. I think it's important that I say this, though. It's almost January 18th, 201...
SuPeRfLyy! BRONZE, Moore, Oklahoma
4 articles 0 photos 14 comments

Favorite Quote:
I mean worse than usual

Amie54321 SILVER, Houston, Texas
5 articles 0 photos 9 comments
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Blakely Smith BRONZE, Houston, Texas
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments
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h3arts4ever BRONZE, Beaverton, Oregon
2 articles 1 photo 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Forget falling in love... I'd rather fall into chocolate!"

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By Sojourner Ahebee BRONZE
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Sojourner Ahebee BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments
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ch.prince BRONZE, Rimrock, Arizona
3 articles 0 photos 12 comments
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By thea22 GOLD
Queens, New York
thea22 GOLD, Queens, New York
11 articles 0 photos 16 comments
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By Spazzout BRONZE
Detroit, Michigan
Spazzout BRONZE, Detroit, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding.-Einstein