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Pride & Prejudice

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By Johnpd BRONZE
Bronx, New York

 “We are five and don’t want to be six”. This is a quote that is from the short story, “Fellowship”, written by Franz Kafka. This statement sh...
Johnpd BRONZE, Bronx, New York
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rachelzerdin BRONZE, London, Other
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By pennyloafers BRONZE
Somewhere, California
pennyloafers BRONZE, Somewhere, California
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mallorysmith BRONZE, Peoria, Arizona
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By alexmae28 BRONZE
Lafayette, Colorado
alexmae28 BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
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By Maayan SILVER
Bronx, NY, New York
Maayan SILVER, Bronx, NY, New York
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By Anonymous
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By kaylavega BRONZE
Brooklyn, New York
kaylavega BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
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By Jkaufman2 BRONZE
Phoenix, Arizona
Jkaufman2 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
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Kailin.Kailin BRONZE, Kansas City, Missouri
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